x2 or x3 number of drops from all raid bosses would actually feel rewarding and accomplishes the same thing as reduced spawn timers.
Prot every 4 hours is not fun.
With non reduced spawn timers yes, otherwise tadaah has mentioned in early posts that one reduced spawn event is already handing out months worth of gear in the course of a few days.
MONTHS WORTH OF GEAR!?!? You mean we would have yet another 10-20 mighty rings and godly Warcry helms?! Totally broken!
Sorry but I don’t buy it. Drop rates are so bad — it has an even worse effect. People raid hard for hours and hours to still get crap no one wants. That’s the reason I think the event is crap. Going hard for 72 full hours to get very little but strained RL relationships and angry bosses.
When I mentioned months worth of gear I'm speaking of the quantity not quality
- bossing is compulsory, you're never forced into 72 hours of bosses and no one expects that from you.
There are things people appreciate that you don't.