Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

95% of my posts get deleted, they ban people for nothing... they are the reason forums dead

87.2% of statistics are made up on the spot!
Threads do indeed get deleted. Two of mine went "poof"!
Freedom of speech is meted out with censorship here.
Our forums are moderated because we want them to be a useful resource for people and we want our community to treat each other and our employees with respect. Just because you're behind a screen doesn't mean basic standards of behaviour no longer apply. As an experiment try standing in a store talking crap at other customers and shouting abuse at the staff, see how far "freedom of speech" get's you.
I'm not a shortcut to support, don't expect a reply to PMs asking about support issues.

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

95% of my posts get deleted, they ban people for nothing... they are the reason forums dead

87.2% of statistics are made up on the spot!
Threads do indeed get deleted. Two of mine went "poof"!
Freedom of speech is meted out with censorship here.
Our forums are moderated because we want them to be a useful resource for people and we want our community to treat each other and our employees with respect. Just because you're behind a screen doesn't mean basic standards of behaviour no longer apply. As an experiment try standing in a store talking crap at other customers and shouting abuse at the staff, see how far "freedom of speech" get's you.
So if two customers ask the same thing are you gonna tell the second customer to gtfo and kick them out?

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Threads do indeed get deleted. Two of mine went "poof"!
Freedom of speech is meted out with censorship here.
Our forums are moderated because we want them to be a useful resource for people and we want our community to treat each other and our employees with respect. Just because you're behind a screen doesn't mean basic standards of behaviour no longer apply. As an experiment try standing in a store talking crap at other customers and shouting abuse at the staff, see how far "freedom of speech" get's you.
So if two customers ask the same thing are you gonna tell the second customer to gtfo and kick them out?
More like: "shoulda been here a sec ago, another guy had the same question; conveniently the entire exchange was recorded so you can save time for both of us by referring to that first and seeing if it answers that."

Pegasus Lugh Signature & Profile artwork by Angmar Reid
Mindreader ♥ Lethal Ninja (Doge Dandolo/Photon/Shazaam/Staboteur)
AH Dupe Glitch, Community Discord, Database, Bitey's Guide

Support isn't on forums; email issues to support@onethumbmobile.com

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Fun facts about freedom of speech:
- It means that the government cannot prosecute you for what you say or write, except in certain circumstances. VR is not the government, and therefore you have no protection under the Second Amendment.
- Freedom of speech does not give you the right to offend other people, and that they have to put up with it.
- Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. The forum rules are published, and if they are broken there are consequences.

This is my layman’s understanding of the Second Amendment. Maybe a lawyer out there can correct or add anything that I missed.
YouTube | Mystery Chest Simulator | Cooking Guide | Legacy Boss Guide

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Fun facts about freedom of speech:
- It means that the government cannot prosecute you for what you say or write, except in certain circumstances. VR is not the government, and therefore you have no protection under the Second Amendment.
- Freedom of speech does not give you the right to offend other people, and that they have to put up with it.
- Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. The forum rules are published, and if they are broken there are consequences.

This is my layman’s understanding of the Second Amendment. Maybe a lawyer out there can correct or add anything that I missed.
Psst. First Amendment. Second is bearing arms.

Fun fact. The First Amendment was the third Amendment originally proposed. One of the originally proposed Amendments (congressional emoluments) is now the 27th, requiring far more states to join the Union before ratification was possible, and because the original amendment in the proposed bill of rights did not have a ratification deadline in the text.

And yes, the amendment is “Congress shall make no law abridging...the freedom of speech” which was incorporated to the states through the 14th amendment’s due process clause. You have no right to free speech with private entities.
Xanadu - Mage 228+ - Forever - Rosmerta

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Psst. First Amendment. Second is bearing arms.
:shock: wait... you’re saying that this doesn’t have anything to do with the second amendment? *Sets down shotgun*not meant to tick off any anti violence people, just meant to make fun
...ohh, that did sound too exciting come to think of it.

Pegasus Lugh Signature & Profile artwork by Angmar Reid
Mindreader ♥ Lethal Ninja (Doge Dandolo/Photon/Shazaam/Staboteur)
AH Dupe Glitch, Community Discord, Database, Bitey's Guide

Support isn't on forums; email issues to support@onethumbmobile.com

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Psst. First Amendment. Second is bearing arms.
:shock: wait... you’re saying that this doesn’t have anything to do with the second amendment? *Sets down shotgun*not meant to tick off any anti violence people, just meant to make fun
...ohh, that did sound too exciting come to think of it.
My fault I meant first. Never write posts afte midnight right before going to sleep.
YouTube | Mystery Chest Simulator | Cooking Guide | Legacy Boss Guide

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Its a long argument between negativity vs over-moderation of forums. U decide which is the reason, most of us just moved to other chat apps. I see no use in General Discussion, Feedbacks & Suggestions or class forums anymore, thus I barely even bother reading them. The hottest forum right now could be Off-Topic where theres minimal moderation and more interest I guess. Too much personal agendas swaying the way things are being moderated.

Before any mod quotes me and says Im wrong, dont bother, Im simply using different apps. Hope u enjoy moderating dead forums.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?


I think there is just nothing exciting to talk about right now. And many players have switched their communications to other apps.
Pretty much ya. When the new beta drops there will be plenty of talk I believe.
True, the last couple months has been pretty slow in terms of events and stuff due to the Unity update, so people are probably not as active. I’m sure someone would say it’s becasue of “lack of free speech” from morderators or not “listening to feedback,” but it’s been a slow couple months and people are mostly likely just reading the posts, rather than posting them.
You can talk about nearly anything in the rants forum per their rules. Just can't swear or bring convo into general chat or be nasty.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Its a long argument between negativity vs over-moderation of forums. U decide which is the reason, most of us just moved to other chat apps. I see no use in General Discussion, Feedbacks & Suggestions or class forums anymore, thus I barely even bother reading them. The hottest forum right now could be Off-Topic where theres minimal moderation and more interest I guess. Too much personal agendas swaying the way things are being moderated.

Before any mod quotes me and says Im wrong, dont bother, Im simply using different apps. Hope u enjoy moderating dead forums.

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