Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

95% of my posts get deleted, they ban people for nothing... they are the reason forums dead

87.2% of statistics are made up on the spot!
Threads do indeed get deleted. Two of mine went "poof"!
Freedom of speech is meted out with censorship here.
Our forums are moderated because we want them to be a useful resource for people and we want our community to treat each other and our employees with respect. Just because you're behind a screen doesn't mean basic standards of behaviour no longer apply. As an experiment try standing in a store talking crap at other customers and shouting abuse at the staff, see how far "freedom of speech" get's you.

^ Exactly

While I have found these forums to be a tad more scrubbed clean than I am used to, even the rant section, I could not agree more with either statement.
Dual spec
Increase buff timers and change to group buffs
/anon /afk commands
Revamp the skill system
Group leader / group commands
Add more premium items

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

It would be so much easier to defend my posts had they not been deleted. None the less, My posts did not include any foul or offensive language. Forums are however, an alternative avenue to solicite and or make other servers/players aware of issues that might also be occuring with them. Additionally, when you pm otm/vr and they pat you on the head and say "never you mind", it's another atrempt to get answers from them they have thus far refused to answer.
Arawn 222 Rogue & 222 Druid
Gwydion Druid 220 Warrior 198 )
Taranis Ranger 221
Nuada Ranger 221 Druid 221
Belinus Ranger 136 Druid 136
Rose Ranger lvl 229, Druid 221, Mage 221

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

The forums are dead. Whether ur a loyal customer, a vanguard of the forums to defend VR and mods for everything, a mod, a guide, a VR member, one who uses forums occasionally and wonders where everyone is.... I’ll spell it clearly for everyone. Forums are dead.

Why is everyone too shy to say that? A board warning? A ban? Thread locked or deleted? None of that should worry u if the forums are already dead.

Mods wanted to clear the forums from toxicity and negativity, good job. They did it. No one is left to even discuss anything. Yes, I’ll say it openly even if it means im banned. A large reason the forums are dead are mods. Although an even bigger issue is lack of communication between players and VR (which is also partly due mods).

Again, not sure why everyone sugarcoats their words or tries to use sarcasm just to avoid telling those who are part of the system or defend the system what is the situation of forums now. We want communication, we want debate, we want discussion. Some remember those heated 40+ pages debates for worse, I remember them as the playerbase being really passionate about the game. And where is it now?

We want to discuss more freely, and we want more communication with VR. If u ask me whats better, dead forums with 0 negativity or lively forums with a certain amount of negativity, I’ll choose the latter anyday.

Forums can be the backbone of a game... shame we chose to remove it from this game. And no, I dont have much criticism to VR (other than lack of more frequent communication), but I am (or was) a dedicated forums user. Theres no reason to now, cus theres nothing to comment on, nothing to discuss, nothing to talk about. Boring.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?


Call us crybabies or whatever... wont really matter. We were vocal cus we wanted the game to improve, u will be vocal only to shut us up and let the game die.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

The forums are dead. Whether ur a loyal customer, a vanguard of the forums to defend VR and mods for everything, a mod, a guide, a VR member, one who uses forums occasionally and wonders where everyone is.... I’ll spell it clearly for everyone. Forums are dead.

Why is everyone too shy to say that? A board warning? A ban? Thread locked or deleted? None of that should worry u if the forums are already dead.
If you have to constantly tell people something that is supposed to be a fact, that kinda makes it more of an opinion. I just pulled up the forums after about 7 hours since last clearing the Unread topics, and there was a good 25+ replies/new threads. I know that's not indicative of the forums as a whole, and it also isn't that way every day, but still...they aren't dead, just at a slow point. Once the Unity beta starts on Monday, I'm sure there will be more activity now that there would be new content to discuss.

Mods wanted to clear the forums from toxicity and negativity, good job. They did it. No one is left to even discuss anything. Yes, I’ll say it openly even if it means im banned. A large reason the forums are dead are mods. Although an even bigger issue is lack of communication between players and VR (which is also partly due mods).

We want to discuss more freely, and we want more communication with VR. If u ask me whats better, dead forums with 0 negativity or lively forums with a certain amount of negativity, I’ll choose the latter anyday.
There can be lively forums with 0 negativity. The problem is that the negative people are usually the loudest ones...and therefore if the negative people get removed from the equation, then everything gets quieter. I'm more of the other opinion that negativity and wrong information only serves to make everything worse. I would rather see 20 posts a day with civil discussion about what could improve the game, than 100+ new threads and posts daily with people ranting about everything wrong with the game. If you equate negativity and toxicity with good discussion, then it's definitely not the mods who are the problem.

Nice to see that you are finally appreciating the mods for doing their job though ;)

Forums can be the backbone of a game... shame we chose to remove it from this game. And no, I dont have much criticism to VR (other than lack of more frequent communication), but I am (or was) a dedicated forums user. Theres no reason to now, cus theres nothing to comment on, nothing to discuss, nothing to talk about. Boring.
Only some people have "removed the forums from the game". It's all a matter of personal opinion...just because you don't think the forums are useful, doesn't mean they aren't. Forums are useful for many things as well...not just for game feedback.

From what I've seen, you are really the only one to constantly be pushing the entire "forums are dead" idea. If that's the case, why stick around? Go hang out on the third party groups that are so much better than the official forums, and have so much better discussions.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Idk I just don't think censorship would make that much difference, in the majority people are nice and polite. Yes, maybe it is responsible for a few leavers but only the people who don't use it as it was intended. There are plenty of uses for a forum that don't involve lambasting the developers or complaining about customer service.
Pizzazz 222 mage - Epona

Retired ♥
Eurydice 223 mage - Gwydion

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Hiding behind a wall that says "focusing on unity 2018 to improve the game" isn't going to impress customers when the best impression you guys made were inconsistent mini events that you promised, and the recent one came from a bunch of the community reminding you of it. (isn't looking good for you guys at all).
What does that have to do with people no longer using the forums?
When we criticise the mods for it they clearly can't handle the heat and guess what? *Locks thread* *delete tab* *turn off phone* " there seems to be nothing wrong with the game or forums today"
And then when someone rants making a second post because you can't discuss it and result to locking you now have a valid reason to lock or remove posts because duplicate threads are made due to mods being snowflakes.

Go on delete this thread, comment, ban me, whatever but you're just killing your own game before it even begins.

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

Have to agree with the company’s position in this. The Fourms isn’t just a place for the playerbase to complain about stuff, it serves as an advertisement for the game and as a way to communicate to players about updates and events, while also being a friendly discussion board between players. Potential players for the game might look at the Fourms and look at the insults and rants people been posting and decide on another game; the playerbase itself is driving the playerbase away.

Sure, if you have a good idea for the game feel free to post it, but reposting the same topic, even despite the company already answering it, is repetitive and unnecessary. The company keeps watch on virtually all the posts, and if you want to have pages of the same thing expressed along with snarky comments towards others then maybe the Fourms isn’t for you.

My only suggestion for the company is to intiate the discussion initially and gauge feedback that way. Pose a question that the company wants feedback on, an example with the question whether it was better to have Dragon eggs or rare fashion as prizes in competitions, and discussions would generally be more productive that way than the same redundant posts people been posting.

Re: Why aren't people using the forums anymore?

What I see is there’s feedback in a positive tone and in a negative tone

The higher ups shall we call them only seem to listen to the positive ones and anyone who speaks negatively whilst having good points is just branded as toxic or being unnecessary. Which isn’t going to sort things out

If you don’t believe me, look at all of criminals good points that get picked at. Then look at the comments above me

U know I’ll probably get a comment deletion for this but it’s just my opinion which breaks no rules

Third party apps are going to kick the forums down. Once most of us leave it will just be the staff the mods, the guides and either new players or the few pro-mod/VR players

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