Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: hero transfer

+1000 transferring servers would be excellent, I think a load of people who have retired toons because they lost out to a dom clan would still be around if this was possible. The rest of it people will work out, it's super common in other MMOs so the arguments don't really have any grounding.
+2000 more, i look at my friends list and know that 20 of those lvl 215+ toons won't ever be active again :'(
I don't even use my 200+ warrior. I would def use it more if I could switch servers
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: hero transfer

I'd come check out Lugh as well if errrrr well yeah. Starting over ? I couldn't face that lvl grind.

I think it's a moot point though and those 200+ toons with no gear and full edl will stay as server ghosts.
Inactive and non playing 218 druid.

Re: hero transfer

Dominant clan killing servers. merge Servers pls
Maybe you should join them :) and share the fight n fun instead of complaining on them playing the game correctly?
YouTube: MrScar Celtic Heroes


Concordiia, Donn - 25th aug, 2015
Concruiit 25th april, 2017

Re: hero transfer

Another deleted comment. Back to the third party apps.
Don’t act like you’re surprised, you know full well you can’t go around throwing around unsubstantiated claims of that nature about another player...or anyone for that matter.
I'm not a shortcut to support, don't expect a reply to PMs asking about support issues.

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