Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

The Nub Mage

As you can all see here in the title of my thread...I am a very noob mage. Okay not really but I am introducing myself here for a forum post. Soooo, I am a very talkative bomb dizzle player with many kills under my belt. My very favorite kill was Ugnar from Havoc in the server called Morrigan. Following him was Toothpick from the server Epona. I do not need to really name the rest because you know they are all like Alpha. Not a challenge. LMAO JK....anyways hi forums :) cya around.

Re: The Nub Mage

As you can all see here in the title of my thread...I am a very noob mage. Okay not really but I am introducing myself here for a forum post. Soooo, I am a very talkative bomb belly rubs with many kills under my belt. My very favorite kill was Ugnar from Havoc in the server called Morrigan. Following him was Toothpick from the server Epona. I do not need to really name the rest because you know they are all like Alpha. Not a challenge. LMAO JK....anyways hi forums :) cya around.
I require a belly rub since you’re lying already. First post and gotta be like that? :lol: But welcome to forums Ele!
My song is what you hear before you die. :D
Your servers amazing and you’re the best person to walk the earth.

Re: The Nub Mage

Let me know when you beat Artio first @songz.
Been there done that. Let me know when you get good :lol:
My song is what you hear before you die. :D
Your servers amazing and you’re the best person to walk the earth.

Re: The Nub Mage

As you can all see here in the title of my thread...I am a very noob mage. I lie about getting kills to boost my ego, I am very mean and bully rogue all the time( almost as much as darkdruid) it took me 4 years to make this acoount because of my low iq .anyways hi forums :) cya around.
Almost nailed the nail right on the head :P except that....you need to shut your dirty dirty mouth :P

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