Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Issues with the Unity Update? CLICK ME!

Just my personal opinion, you guys did a great job with textures and lighting and the game looks alot nicer, phoenix pets and chests, nice touches...the global arena though.

This is a phenomenal idea, you guys implemented the idea really well, the only problem. Atleast its what i think is causing MASS lagg. A 2min run at 80% speed to troll is now a 5min with a game freeze every 5 seconds.

Idk if anyone else would agree but if the only solution would be to remove global arena, id rather remove the arena then keep it in to solve the lagg.
Arawn- Invicta
SlyShadows - 220 Tank Warrior (Retired, Arawn)
Animosity - 217 Ranger (Retired, Arawn)
Noctum - 215 Fire Mage
Acrimony - 190 Lock Rogue

Proud Tank of Arawn

Re: Issues with the Unity Update? CLICK ME!

Can't see anything mentioning this.
When I die, the game slows down a lot, just about freezes. When I click res with resurrection idol, it continues being slow then I glitch out (looks like I'm in the air above the map), then I'm at leystone. Happened twice while running to a boss on my rogue and also happened earlier. Although my mage died from a boss and was able to res without the lag and issue, so not sure why it only happened on one toon.
Shadow Queen - 220+ mage

Re: Issues with the Unity Update? CLICK ME!

Samsung J Decomo

I have no issue before update, but right now black screen when launch the game even 3rd times reinstall the game.

#Edit : somehow im able to log in after connect to wifi and reinstall the game, but game super lagging and sometime freeze screen
#Edit2 : at the lowest graphic quality game still super lagging

Re: Issues with the Unity Update? CLICK ME!

Would suggest undoing the Unity engine for now and doing the last version of the game before Unity if it is possible (hope it is). If it is possible it would just be temporary until all the bugs and glitches for the Unity engine is adequately fixed. Right now it is just horrible though.
Last edited by Adele1 on Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
Adele1 - 224 Fire Mage (Active)

Nyx1 - 215 Fire Mage (Not Active)

Re: Issues with the Unity Update? CLICK ME!

Would suggest undoing the Unity engine for now and doing the last version of game before Unity if it is possible. Just temporarily until all the bugs and glitches for the Unity engine are fixed. Right now it is horrible.
i dont think their new added graphics eg. items are compatible backwarts.
guess we'll goddda wait for dat update to come
I'm looking to change the perception of people and all of the beautiful things that it brings,-Exe2k15
Executive of Epona
Beetlejuice of Donn
Clan: Concordiia
Youtube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1strz ... vH82nKhe4Q

Re: Issues with the Unity Update? CLICK ME!

Would suggest undoing the Unity engine for now and doing the last version of game before Unity if it is possible. Just temporarily until all the bugs and glitches for the Unity engine are fixed. Right now it is horrible.
i dont think their new added graphics eg. items are compatible backwarts.
guess we'll goddda wait for dat update to come
That's what I dread. How if the new items, pets, mounts, and chest exclusives is what would make reverting back to an older version not possible. Obviously the new arena would have to be rescinded, but rather the game work than be in a new arena. As it is now I can't log and enjoy the game at all because my mage and general game play has been majorly affected. I hope there is a fix or some kind of solution soon.
Last edited by Adele1 on Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
Adele1 - 224 Fire Mage (Active)

Nyx1 - 215 Fire Mage (Not Active)

Re: Game Crashing

Anybody else having problems with game crashing? I can't stay on for more than 30 seconds without it crashing. I have higher ios than is req. I give up trying to play tonight.
One of my clanmates couldn't stay logged in for more than 20 seconds. Me I only have had that problem when I cooked on my main character. Ony my alts it didn't crash when I cooked. The lag seemed to have dissipated heavily. But at bosses it's still laggy at times.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: Issues with the Unity Update? CLICK ME!

Unplayable on iPhone 6 , crashes immediately whenever i tap on the screen.
All i can do is literally just stand there.
Settings all on lowest. Yeah, i get it , my device is kinda outdated, but is it possible to tweak some things maybe to support older devices?
iPhone 6 should run just fine on this game.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

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