Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Finish the Sentence

...spend all his gold on a psychiatrist, which is why he has no horde and cant sleep at night due to the lack of gold bedding which is needed because...
Papi - Arawn - Beta 4
GuildChief- / MageGuild (Chief)
Glanmoric-Mage 120
Duergath-Rogue 100 TheFamily Chief
Whuric-Druid 91
Volar-Warrior 91
Doriz-Ranger 70
"Growing old is for people who have forgotten how to play."

Re: Finish the Sentence

He is currently living on lot 235 in a old Soggy wet box, it's hard to....
Proud Clansman of Avalon
“Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.”
“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”

If you need any advice, tips or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me

Re: Finish the Sentence

Eat a unicorn, but it's possible if....
195 Rogue
Android Tester
There is a chicken-lover on Rhiannon with a total of 13137

Re: Finish the Sentence

A sexy hot chick
"Don't quote me boy cause I ain't said sh*t "

Me and my brothers are lads and you can get free lad points. FIFA 16 is rubbish boo.


Send me gold so I can buy 5% mounts. Mail Nub Main on Rhiannon

Re: Finish the Sentence

Goblin, which then..
Proud Clansman of Avalon
“Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.”
“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”

If you need any advice, tips or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me

Re: Finish the Sentence

Went to live with hyenas and...
Greekdemigods, 224 warrior
217 rogue, Queenhera
210 mage, Xylaphone
192 ranger, TheHuntress
182 druid, Demesne

Carthage, Epona

Re: Finish the Sentence

and then tried to show the hyenas the "Hip-rock-flip-dipper-wheelbarrow" but was unsuccesful and....
Warrior-Kumquat Lvl80+
Your friendly Morrigan server paparazzi! For all your Celtic Heroes photograph needs! Pm me in game for photos!
Manager- Rhysjm

Re: Finish the Sentence

Decided to leave and go undercover to work for the FBI. He then found....
Cronic, 143 Mage
Ninjastar, 127 Rouge
TheDarkSide, 67 Druid

Tada gan iarracht.

Re: Finish the Sentence

That most of the otherworldly bosses have been defeated and have taken some drugs to ease there pain, the side effect of these drugs were...
Proud Clansman of Avalon
“Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.”
“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”

If you need any advice, tips or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me

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