A lot of people already bought plat not knowing the game would be virtually unplayable for a week (possibly longer). I've heard devs say this was a needed thing to do. I don't agree with that. They could have added double plat and waited until they had a better understanding of the system ui. Must be nice for those who have iPhone X and XS and don't have lag because they have twice the ram as my phone. I'm pretty livid about this to be honest. I fully expected a day or two for them to adjust and update the game but did not at all expect to just go to castle and be unable to even scroll through the auction house due to so much lag that the game is causing me to click on the wrong item, then I have to wait 10-20 seconds for the lag to stop and sometimes it doesn't stop it just stalls out entirely. Have to close the game out every few minutes just to go from one map to the next.OTM made a huge marketing mistake by rolling out this update with double plat, that's for sure. People who are grumpy because the game is choppy and slow and crashes aren't gonna buy much platinum. And you aren't likely to be tempted to buy it if you can't play.
Re: Update on current performance issues
#31Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.