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builds, stat points and equip

so i thought there cuold be a post where we share our builds, and help ppl with there builds.
i currently have(lvl 51) 104 str 10 dex 25foc and 204 vit(with rosyal shield of winds) (2str and 3vit per lvl)
i have heroic rejuv royal shield of winds hero speed boots rev ring of regen and rev bracelet of regen(10)
i have anc falch anc plate chest and warden gloves helm qnd pants.
i have 1725 hp 420 armor(651 with prot stance)

my lux gives my 55 hp per tick and 20 energy per tick. i can run around sv field and only lose a bit of hp, and can escort ppl to falg/deadroot without them taking any hits.

is it worth it to get quartz or should i wait for dmnd. or should i just get quartz?

thanks for ur input

(thefirst) (lvl 51) (warrior) (rosemerta) (united)
pro8blematic-mage-retribution-120+lures ftw!

Re: builds, stat points and equip

Get diamond, or if your in an end game clan and can get astral, just stick with that until u get frozen unless you have money to waste, but quarts is a no no.
185+ Warrior
80 Mage
74 Rogue
57 Druid (yeah he sucks)
103 Ranger (Arawn)
Server: Morrigan
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Re: builds, stat points and equip

hmm ok. no quartz and only dmnd if i gots the money, k thanks
Good luck! Diamond is much better than quartz but I suggest whatever really. You won't really need diamond till level 100-110, Quarts is good for level 60-100 plenty of time to save in that time frame I guess.
Proud Clansman of Avalon
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“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”

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