Celtic Heroes

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A Bit About Lugh Updated (again)

So a lot has changed since the previous iterations of such posts. I’ll admit to not knowing much about the other clans, so please feel free to post your input below and I will edit it.

Overview: Lugh is a clan with a rich history, arguably the most rich in CH. It was once a dicing server like Epona, then went to a server dominated by Alliance, and is now mainly a dominant server (Pegasus) with all other clans working together to dice. The renewed dicing is a fairly new venture, but could offer new players options as to which path they choose should it take off. Lugh is generally drama and griefing free.

Pegasus - the dominant clan on the server. Does not dice for drops. Gear is voted on by a loot council based on members activity and contribution to the clan. DL/EDL is given when you become of level, assuming you help with camping. Raid gear is posted in class chat albums and requested as needed by members. Proteus is killed on spawn, Gelebron on day of spawn and Pegasus just celebrated Lughs first Bloodthorn kill. Pegasus is an endgame clan, accepting applications from level 150+. However exceptions may be made for players with potential/transfers/vouched for players. The clan votes on applications, not just leaders. Pegasus looks after its members and those who play their part are richly rewarded by the ‘activity over seniority’ ethos. Applications can be made at pegasuslugh.guildlaunch.com

TheDeqHeads - chief - Deq
In the words of Deq: Recruitment is very limited, invite only some would say

Alliance - Alliance is an endgame clan which recently started dicing for drops with some other clans on the server.
Chief - ?
Level req - ?
Who to contact for recruitment - SOL1D

Outlaw - Outlaw is a clan of mixed levels which also dices for drops.
Chief - Rogue Char
Lvl requirement ?
Who to contact for recruitment - Rogue Char

Avandesora - former Alliance feeder clan, also dices for drops.
Chief - ?
Level req - ?
Who to contact for recruitment - CiannagaEluchil

Dark Army - former Avandesora feeder clan, also dices for drops
Chief - ?
Level requirement ?
Who to contact for recruitment - Wish Heartz

Happy Hour - not sure on these guys maybe someone can fill me in
Last edited by MrsDredd on Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: A Bit About Lugh Updated (again)

I’ve tried to keep this as unbiased as possible. Can other clans pls put their info down in their own words, as long as it is an accurate representation I will amend your section.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: A Bit About Lugh Updated (again)

Crap I didn’t! Lol! It’s there!! Don’t you see it?

Don’t tell him, I’ll get bopped with the Ymir Hammer!!
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: A Bit About Lugh Updated (again)

TheDeqHeads - Hail Deq
Chief: Deq
Lvl req: Deq
Contact: Deq
Feel like there're a couple other clan names I'm not seeing, but I can't think of any of the top of my head (sorry lol).
Definitely been needing an update, but I think it'd be good to link Smart and Neero's posts for history/context.

I'm sure I'l be corrected if I'm wrong, but I think Alli Chief is just the shared clan bank?
And I remember someone saying lvl req 120ish, but I'm pretty sure that's long outdated info.

Pegasus Lugh Signature & Profile artwork by Angmar Reid
Mindreader ♥ Lethal Ninja (Doge Dandolo/Photon/Shazaam/Staboteur)
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Re: A Bit About Lugh Updated (again)

TheDeqHeads - Hail Deq
Chief: Deq
Lvl req: Deq
Contact: Deq
Feel like there're a couple other clan names I'm not seeing, but I can't think of any of the top of my head (sorry lol).
Definitely been needing an update, but I think it'd be good to link Smart and Neero's posts for history/context.

I'm sure I'l be corrected if I'm wrong, but I think Alli Chief is just the shared clan bank?
And I remember someone saying lvl req 120ish, but I'm pretty sure that's long outdated info.
Their posts are stickied
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

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