It's either demand or inflation. Demand is stronger then supply in this game and the real world as well. Sure, someone could have the only one of something, and some people might pay alot of money because of that, but if no one wants it, its worthless. Inflation happens because gold falls under supply and demand too, though that is more supply based.Supply/demand have no effect, on belenus atleast. Chests were only 20k back in the day, now they are up to 45k... and they are way more available now days than they were a few years ago. People will naturally blame the inflation of gold, but what player actually cares about inflation and takes notice of the gold supply, the high prices is the result of greedy players steadily raising prices and mindless players following the raising prices. There is no central bank or government to control it.
Same with mounts... an 80% could sell for 150k-200k a few years ago, and now people are selling them 500k+... with aeon mounts here now mounts are more common than ever before, and with battlemounts normal mounts should have a smaller demand and in result have a lower price, but why don’t they? Because the greedy players don’t care lol. Plat droughts are the only time when economics really apply (demand for lixs are high, supply of lixs are low, so people raise prices. When the supply goes back up, the prices lower), but those are rare.
So in reality, there are too many mindless players/players that simply don’t care and just want to play the game to have basic economics apply.
Ill say this, I dont believe in standardized prices. I adapt to how the economy is looking, usually buying more when people are looking to sell(low inflation), and selling more when there is more gold around. Lets take these players into mind, are they actually selling the items in question? Or is this just them asking high numbers? That is a very big difference. If they are getting the amounts they are asking, I see no need to go after them for it. The price rose, and it is just ignorance to the change. In 2013 on lugh, I bought a white cloud hat for 80k, and in 2017 I sold it for 4m. The price had to have changed for that to happen.
One thing I deal with alot on supply and demand is chests. The demand is always high, and the supply usually is too, but...