Yule 2018 Update:
- Winter Has Arrived to Dal Riata! Some areas are now a lot colder than they were before.
- NEW Jester Fashion is available in the Snowfall Mystery Chest!
- NEW Quest: Faye Priestess of Ceridwen is in Farcrag Castle seeking adventurers to recover her stolen Ritual Candles so she can celebrate Yule!
- Free gift with every Platinum Purchase!
* Every Purchase of 10 Platinum, players will receive a non-tradable Red Midwinter Hat!
* Every Purchase of 60 - 1600 Platinum, players will receive a tradable radomized coloured Midwinter Hat!
* Every purchase of 4000 Platinum, players will receive a tradable randomized coloured Frosty Midwinter Hat that has a festive, snowy effect!
- Improved performance for all devices
- Reduced battery drain and overheating
- Fixed an issue with players freezing during boss fights
- Players can now group in the Arena.
- Clan Names now show in the Arena.
- Keeghan Stewart is no longer floating on a cloud in Stonevale.
- Fixed a bug that prevent some players from obtaining the Phoenix Skill quest.
- Warden Bixos quest now requests the correct items for Meteoric Armor upgrade.
- Corrected a typo in the description for [Bounty]: Careless Whisper
- Corrected a typo in the description of Dian Cechts Stormrage.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Poison Weapon to apply correctly.
- Repaired a collision bug that allowed players to fall on the Bridge of Dispair.
- Improved lighting in some parts of Otherworld.
- Resolved an issue that prevented some status icons to not appear when mounted.