Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

First post on forums

Hey there folks! I am not a new player, been playing for over 2 years now. And I used to go around reading the posts of others as I had forgotten my password and then didn't bother to change it. :p
I play an Ice Mage on the Danu server slowly advancing towards the endgame. I don't have any alts, my main is named Rosar and presently at level 208.

Re: First post on forums

Hey there folks! I am not a new player, been playing for over 2 years now. And I used to go around reading the posts of others as I had forgotten my password and then didn't bother to change it. :p
I play an Ice Mage on the Danu server slowly advancing towards the endgame. I don't have any alts, my main is named Rosar and presently at level 208.
Welcome back to the forums! :)
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

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