Greetings adventurers!
Whether you come from other servers to Taranis, or just downloaded the game and seeking fun and loot, you are welcome to join us.
Clan Nirvana is now open for players old and new alike, levels 30-150.
We are looking for players to work on gearing and bossing together in a friendly and supportive environment.
Eventually, these players will work with us on end game raids like Proto, Gelebron and Bloodthorn.
Drop us a mail in game, addressed to "Mr Sams", and let us have a chat.
Happy hunting!
*Edit we raised the level requirements to level 30 from 1.
Clan Nirvana - Now open for new players
Last edited by ryandragon on Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Integrity is telling yourself the truth.