Resists can only be dropped to 0. While it’s helpful on bossing, the mini lure with a maxed lure that already puts resists at 0 is less helpful than the increased crits for a mage. Just my $.02.
^this, as well as that the dragon skill does about 700 more damage at max and has a quicker cool down time than the Phoenix, which outdoes the very small lure debuff.
For druids Phoenix makes sense as druids have no lures at all, so unless you are always dual logged with a mage with maxed magic lure Phoenix would be the way to go.
Was the numbers tested and proven that an endgame mage with max ability can lure a raid boss to 0? Cuz that’s new info to me lol.
No, they can’t get it to 0, however that is not what should be considered with regards to raids. Instead we want to look at the marginal lure gain, and more specifically the marginal lure gain with regards to DPS that is lost due to opportunity cost.
In this matrix all the testing I have seen argues that dragon is the paramount mage DPS pet.
As was posted on the mage subforum, the Phoenix is a great mage pet, and unless your goal is to get kills it is a good choice as it helps everyone and it does boost your own DPS. But as was also concurred upon, if your goal is kills, which by game organization means top DPS, dragon is still the best bet in achieving this.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at