This is actually a really good question, is there such a thing as friendly competition in CH? Or does it always end up being hostile?
How can u expect people to have friendly competition in ch when u make the drops as lame as they are? Only a few people actually get something from raids if that, it takes time to plan them ie get everyone together and then it takes time to kill the damn thing and use the resources and for what? A few measly dkp points. Damn man I bet half the time when any one server kills a world boss nobody gets any drops because their not worth it. If u wanna see friendly competition u need to sort the drop system out and I'm not talking about the drop rates I'm talking about the whole system. It's unfathomable that less than a handful of items drop when around 50 people are needed to kill a boss. So that's why u don't see friendly competition.
Dont really understand why youre having a go at VR over the drops saying that theyre trash, BT drops are pretty insane even the royal versions, charms and rings, not ammys, its pretty damn easy to get bt items if you put in the effort, having all royals on your acc is good enough endgame, if youre complaining about not getting imperials and godlys then id assume that youre just not putting in enough effort into your dkp system to compete with the other people of your class, the updates been out for a long time and every server has had enough time to farm 50+ BT min so theres plenty of drops there for the picking, the next update may also hold better drops so dont go b***hing on the forums just because you dont have the gear you want.
When it comes to the system its similar with every game, you kill a boss snd get a couple of drops, kill the same boss forover a year with a 3day spawn on average and thats 484 bt drops, 50ppl at kills, 60% of those being usable, thats a good amount to go around