Just buy gear that has defense on it. Then you don't need to regulate many points to defense as lixing mobs don't have high attack. I wouldn't throw more than 300 points into str. You won't get much return going higher than that.
Bark isn't really needed for tanks at end game if they're decently geared.
I like winds. Since 2 of our dps skills are dot, then there is time to cast winds on all mobs.
Biggest issue with druid melee is getting attack high enough to land autos on bosses.
I'm lvl 60 atm, so, I think, I'm going to have to wait on incorporating winds. Tried using it, at my current lvl; however, even with 80 dex, and 11 points in winds (-400 attack), even mobs 10 levels below mine where getting through, no problem. I guess this is why everyone says to save winds for lvl 150+. Not sure of the mechanic there, as of yet (maybe higher dex, through gear?); however, the winds approach is, clearly, inneffective at my level, where utilizing the stats/skill points in dex/wind leaves far too few of the former, for dmg armor and healing. Sure, I was able to solo the catacombs bosses, at lvl 56 (lvls 30-40 couldn't hit me); however, it took forever to down these 6-stars, with such limited focus and damage skills, plus, mobs my level destroyed me. So, anyway, used my last rebirth and alteration books, last night. I put the, afore-mentioned 40 stat points in strength, to bring that part of the damage algorithm, to a, "neutral" one unit. Again, according to the mathmaticians, playing the game, the strength stat is part if a three factor group, which are added, and then, multiplied by base weapon damage. So, the strength factor being 0.15818√str, doing 0.15818√40 just brings this part of the equation to 1, incurring no boosts, or penalties, for strength. I suppose I can revisit this at higher levels, should I find the decreasing return on focus higher than any benefit of increasing str, and, of course, I already have enough in dex and vit. Again, according to the experts' math formula, 300 stength would provide, around, 2.74 times base weapon damage. Great if your skilks make use of strength, in their calculations (I assume warrior, at least); however, wasting this many points, just for auto-attacks, seems like a tragic waste. Mind you, I'm new to the game, so, like I said, I'll need to revisit this, once I reach the higher levels, and see what gear and etc., is out there. As for skills, on this alteration reset, I just maxed bark, put enough into touch to give me half health, enough embrace to negate the armor penetration of 1 mob element and the rest in vines and strike (about equal there, I think 12, in each, for now). I, luckily found a +3 swarm ring, in the ah, this morning, as I use this spell on higher level mobs, or when I get surrounded. As for stat points, after putting the 40 in str, I just hit auto-assign. I'm assuming the game knows, better than I, what I need here. Obviously, the str here isn't, absolutely, necessary; however, I just don't like stat penalties, and, in this case, having str 5 incurs a x0.65 penalty, which, to me, seems would be unacceptable, should I come across a good druid weapon, with higher base melee damage. So that's where I am, atm. I have a long way to go, of course, so, again, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time ti revisit all of this, unless, of course, the sun goes supernova, and we all die. Fortunately, I know good res spell for this, so no worries there.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif)
Btw, I tested this build, this morning. I am no longer being pwnd by mobs my own lvl, so I think I'm on the right track. Now I just need to go fishing for flounders (energy regen food), save for some energy sigils and research energy drain, as I also had to let meditation go. I'm learning the skill points are far to valuable to waste there. Cheers all...