Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Global Castle feedback

Non cooks will say move global to tavern and cooks will say don't move global to tavern lol. All non cooks are more than happy to shift it to tavern and make global someone else's problem but as no one wants global castle or tavern why not keep both as they were pre update? We have global arena already just leave it there.
I’m 175 cooking. But thanks for trying.
Xanadu - Mage 228+ - Forever - Rosmerta

Re: Global Castle feedback

Global arena is mostly dead. Only ones who go there are the ones who like to sit and trash talk each other... it’s the same few bunch everytime. No point in going there if you’re not competitive in PvP.

The idea behind global castle is good I’d say. Castles are supposed to be full of people and a little chaotic at times. No problem with making the main social hub more social. Once the bugs are ironed out, castle starts to chill, and glads are moved out I’m sure people will get used to it and grow to like it. The ones who don’t like it will be the ones who didn’t like the castle in the first place. VR could move the AH and bank into the Tavern or simply make another copy, no problems with that. Castle should stay global
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Global Castle feedback

I personally like global castle ._. Idk why people complain about AH and bounty boards being in castle now lol. Just filter player if ur having issues with bounty board, and the AH should not take any longer to load (and i have tested, worked perfectly fine) since it still only shows ur own server’s items. Now i know older devices my lag but maybe VR could fix this? Who knows.

As for the spam, i think it would be nice to add a filter chat where it only shows ur server’s shouts/says. Block feature is working. Also if u look at area, ur server’s players show on top always. Also glads should have been moved .-.

Whats funny is seeing people complain that global is a bad idea cuz their “chill spot” or “afk spot” in castle is gonna be crammed now lol.

Re: Global Castle feedback

Non cooks will say move global to tavern and cooks will say don't move global to tavern lol. All non cooks are more than happy to shift it to tavern and make global someone else's problem but as no one wants global castle or tavern why not keep both as they were pre update? We have global arena already just leave it there.
I’m 175 cooking. But thanks for trying.
Being 175 in cooking means you actively cook at present? I'm 170 in cooking and haven't cooked for months but would still rather the problem wasn't shifted to tavern to bother active cooks. But thanks for trying.

Re: Global Castle feedback

Please no more global castle. There is no point in it if we can't cross server trade, and if it's too crowded, why was this even an idea? The castle is where people shout they are buying/selling stuff so what good is it if someone from epona is selling something another person from Arawn wants and no cross trading is allowed. What is this supposed to be for?

Re: Global Castle feedback

Please no more global castle. There is no point in it if we can't cross server trade, and if it's too crowded, why was this even an idea? The castle is where people shout they are buying/selling stuff so what good is it if someone from epona is selling something another person from Arawn wants and no cross trading is allowed. What is this supposed to be for?
Lol cross server trading would be too good to be true. People could finally xfer more safely, game wide economy would be amazing, a large abundance of items, shortages would be a thing of the past... give it to us @VR
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Global Castle feedback

Non cooks will say move global to tavern and cooks will say don't move global to tavern lol. All non cooks are more than happy to shift it to tavern and make global someone else's problem but as no one wants global castle or tavern why not keep both as they were pre update? We have global arena already just leave it there.
I’m 175 cooking. But thanks for trying.
Being 175 in cooking means you actively cook at present? I'm 170 in cooking and haven't cooked for months but would still rather the problem wasn't shifted to tavern to bother active cooks. But thanks for trying.
Yep. I do. Smooches.
Xanadu - Mage 228+ - Forever - Rosmerta

Re: Global Castle feedback

I've spent lots of time on many servers. The vast majority of any of the chatting that takes place is selling/buying, dicing and clan vs clan smack. Topics that would not be significantly constructively contributed to by others from other servers. If they do add a filter option to block out other servers (which I think they should), it'll end up with most blocking chat from other servers, hence rendering one of the major reasons for the global server ineffective. At the end all this will do is give the visual appearance of a super active game, which may just be VR's end game. Of course that won't last long once anyone leaves the castle...

Global castle cross trade

What would make global castle awesome and change some players minds I think is if we could cross server trade certain specific items for example pet tokens, chests, mount tokens, eggs, pretty much anything that all servers have already and no one collects. Items excluded from cross trading should be all boss drops, fashion, mounts etc.

Gives a more solid reason for making it global in the first place.
It would make for a better economy for all servers

Cons none that I can think of atm.. post one if you can think of a reason why it's a bad idea :ugeek:

Re: Global Castle feedback

One possible way to reduce spam is to add a new global channel for people to communicate with others on different servers, since server specific talk, like selling stuff, is perceived as spam even though it is not meant to be. In which case all server specific talk would only be seen by your server members. This is of course assuming VR believes that the global server is a must.

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