Yea, Gelebron is something not sold much on Sulis, but if Gelebron is sold it will sell for more. Some other servers can sell Gelebron weapons though. You wouldn't be the only server.I see decent equipment in the auction all the time. Gele weps, Hrung helms, etc... of course the trash will far outweigh the goods, which is to be expected, but there are definitely some good items in there more often than you think. Items that other servers would consider to be good.
As for the edl/dl... that’s exactly the problem. The edl/dl drops are for Epona players to buy, not other servers. Hence why Epona will get sucked dry and the players of Epona will be left with nothing because other servers are taking it all, giving gold less buying power, and making Epona worse off. Unless of course other servers allowed the selling of drops to help balance things out
As for edl and dl, my server wouldn't be buying that much since we seem to be having enough of it in our ah.
Yes, your economy is fine, but seriously I highly doubt all the other servers will just buy buy buy from Espona and nothing else and Espona is sucked dry. There are other stable and good economies out there that will be placing good weapons and dl/edl drops. Sulis is one that will place ed/edl
What it sounds like to me you are saying.... "Espona is a great economy and will not be able to handle the Global Auction House because no one else can bring what Espona brings to the table."
Which sounds pretty conceited to be honest. Our server among others are going to bring dl/edl drops to the table. Not everyone will want Espona items
I was concerned about a server being sucked dry, but once I looked at Espona's weapons I was not like, "OMG Espona is going to be sucked dry!! It is a good economy."
I do believe that yes Espona has a lot to bring to the table, but they also have A TON of items in the ah just waiting to be sold. My server doesn't have as many people, so it is not going to be bringing as much, but it also won't be taking much either. Hence Espona is not going to be sucked dry. The rare items will sell for more in Espona actually giving them more of the buying power, but for a good reason. You sell a rare item you should get rewarded better.
Your thinking like Espona is the best server and no other servers are going to provide as much as Espona and that just isn't fair to say. Although yes Espona has a great economy, they also are more active than a lot of servers.
There are items that are going to be super super duper rare and those items will sell more a lot more if the ah is global.
The truth is, the new global economy will probably do better than Espona's economy. Because an economy is measured as the amount of times a unit of currency touches someone's hand. With all the servers combining their ahs, the amount of times I will buy/sell will increase. I have items that I don't want to sell on Sulis because no one will buy them. I can't buy stuff because I don't have the money to buy stuff.
If I could sell to more than just Sulis, then I could sell more and then buy more since I can afford more.
The problem: Nobody wants to stay on Sulis because the economy stinks. Nobody buys and nobody sells. Which demotivates people to stay and the server is losing people. Some go to another server and others just quit the game entirely.
Another problem: Why is it bad for people to just swarm one server? Because if there was just a global server there would be one Gelebron, and one unique bosses. You may think adding more players to Espona is a good idea, but it actually gives diminishing returns. Which is why you believe the dl/edl will be sucked dry. There aren't many bosses left to kill in Espona. Espona is full enough as it is and any more players added would probably do more harm then good.
The solution: A global ah is the solution because it motivates people to stay on their own servers. It also allows for people to join other small servers who have many bosses who are always up and can't be killed. As more servers can kill Gelebron easier, more Gelebron items will be added to the ah, helping Espona and other good economies as well.
Basically, the game motivates people to pick a full server rather than a small one and it stops small worlds from growing and killing the end game bosses, and motivates people to go on a server like Espona that will just end in diminishing returns. Both which are not good.