Ive noticed that chest rates might have gotten better on certain items such as Mounts especially the capes and warthog mounts . epona had a short supply of mounts before double plat and now there are like 50+ Mounts in the auction also eggs and seeds seem to be dropping alot almost better then mount token odds before around 2 weeks ago it would take 100 chest for 1 mount token now it takes 100 chest for one egg or even less if you look at epona auction house there are literlly like 10 dragon eggs . 20 pheonix eggs and like 15 seeds i do think this is good.
A few peoples openings
1- 300 chest
Best items: 1 pheonix egg 1 dragon egg 100/50 cape 80/10 cape 80/10 wartog staff, 8 Mount tokens
Person 2-200 chest
Best items 1000 plat, 1 seed and 90 wartthog staff 5 Mount tokens
Person 3- 500 chest
Best items-2 Seeds, 2 pheonix egg, 24 Mount tokens , 100/50 warthog staff , 80/10 cape 2x, 85/20 cape 8 combo crates, 28 pet tokens
Me 250 chest- Best items 1000 plat, 85/20 and dragon egg x2 , 7 Mount tokens
Chest rates gone better?
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