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I want a refund for my royal mountain shield since I bought it for 300k, wrote a support ticket and I haven't received anything, yet my friends write one 20 minutes later than me yet they get one? don't know if I wrote the write things in the note.

Re: Refund

Hi there, all the refunds will be processed in the next 24 hours as there are a lot of them, however they will all be done so please don't worry if you haven't got yours yet.


Re: Refund

Hi! Just wondering when I'll be getting refunded the difference or full refund for the item i bought in scavenger lux store?

I know several member in the clan have submited support tickets after I sent mine and have already received their refund back...

Its been over 24 hours now and I am patiently awaiting my refund.

Also one of the members Lera is also awaiting a refund.

Can you look into this for me?

Thank you very much,


World: Mabon
Clan: Masmar (Cheiftan), Elders (General)

MASM (LVL 134 Rogue)
Thoth (LVL 127 Mage)
Cristos (LVL 122 Ranger)
Life (LVL 110 Druid)
Vimi (LVL 94 Druid)
Shield (LVL 80 Warrior)

Re: Refund


Admin just covered this entire topic with the OP. Yer gonna make him restate it all for you? They got 4 people dedicated to going thru all these tickets.. They will get it done. Just be patient, they don't work 24/7.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Refund

Awesome! Thanks Teaweasel! :)
World: Mabon
Clan: Masmar (Cheiftan), Elders (General)

MASM (LVL 134 Rogue)
Thoth (LVL 127 Mage)
Cristos (LVL 122 Ranger)
Life (LVL 110 Druid)
Vimi (LVL 94 Druid)
Shield (LVL 80 Warrior)

Re: Refund

Trying to be patient however its almost been 72 hours now and I still haven't got a refund difference from the email I sent to support :/

Almost everyone has received their refund except a few:

Sergio1575, TheOnlyOne, Lera, Life and myself.

Hoping someone looks into this soon..

Teaweasel when you referred to OP what does this stand for?

Thanks so much,


World: Mabon
Clan: Masmar (Cheiftan), Elders (General)

MASM (LVL 134 Rogue)
Thoth (LVL 127 Mage)
Cristos (LVL 122 Ranger)
Life (LVL 110 Druid)
Vimi (LVL 94 Druid)
Shield (LVL 80 Warrior)

Re: Refund

OP means two things on forums..

Usually it means Original Poster, as in the first comment in a thread.

But other times if an item is called OP, it can mean Over-Powered.

Sorry that you haven't gotten your refund yet, we can just bump this and hopefully someone can follow up.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

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