It really shouldn't come down to whether a player believes they should or shouldn't give the gear back. If you join a clan that has rules that require you to give heat back if you leave, you give the gear back. If you don't agree with those rules, then don't join the clan. Otherwise you're just being a dishonest person by joining a clan and agreeing to the rules but not intending to follow through with what you agreed to.
It shouldn't come down to people being treated so bad that they feel the need to leave a server, not to mention their clan... but it does so no its not being dishonest, it happens and as clannies, people have just as much of an effect on that players decisionas the player who's leaving, never seen anyone quit and sell all their gear to xfer when they lived their clan and server.
Thats where both of u are 100% right.
Yes, u can say "I think this gear is mine, I earned it", and trash talk dom clans for being greedy or unfair, but u read the rules and said "I agree", u breaking them is u being a dishonest person. Its ok if ud ont like the rules, if u dont agree with them, but if u join knowingly that this is what they are, whether u feel forced or not (which u arent forced, theres 19 servers with multiple different playstyles, well developed forums and enough time to figure out if this isnt for u) then u follow the rules as they are, its ur fault in the end for being a dishonest person, whether the rules were perfect or awful.
Ppl who join a clan and enjoy it for years (even ppl here who claim they disliked the players but Im quite familiar with the history of them in their ex-servers) and then whatever happens and u dont like it anymore or gradually u dont enjoy as much, dont claim u were forced to join or u had no choice, that is just never the case. No one is forcing u to join anywhere or agree to anything and as long as competition is done fairly dont complain.
That said, if a player leaves (yes even if he didnt return the gear), theres no need to harass him. Its ok to be angry if u feel betrayed/backstabbed (yes its allowed for players in dom clans to have feelings too towards ppl who leave the clan, it doesnt mean its out of ill reasons) and if u feel it was something u liked/looked up to or someone who pretended to love clan only to receive drops (which is essentially what ur doing if ur joining "against ur will"), dont harass them. On the other hand, those ppl who leave clans (namely many of the players who commented on this thread), leave the clans and servers u played on alone. U didnt get along, u didnt like them, why are u harassing them or talking unfathomable of them across servers and forums if u dont like it being done to u? Wouldnt u agree @elfylolz that while the clan shouldnt harass, the ex-clannie shouldnt either? We need to not have double standards and hypocrisy.
Long story short, dont agree to the rules u think u might break, dont complain if u broke rules and ppl's trust and they are frustrated with ur actions (not only u have feelings just cus ur no longer in dom clan), dont be a dishonest person and everything will be fine. And more than all, dont harass. Doesnt matter if ur the dom clan angry at the player who left u, or the player who left angry at the dom clan. It goes both ways.
EDIT: Oh and, accept that sometimes u might be the problem and not the clan. If ur a player who constantly has issues with leaderships of multiple clans, u might be the toxic/unplesant ones and thats why u have been slowly rejected out after constantly acting so. In the end, if ur just unpleasant and not the clan, the clan wont want to be around u either. Its more than normal to accept that