Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The call for help

Hello, the adventurer of Dal Riata. I have read your plea for assistance, and today I Catsmith offer aid to your goal of locating the wagon, that contains the treasure, which may destroy our precious lands. In order to provide you with what I can, I have scavenged the roads towards our dock and have found 2 possible areas where your treasure is. The first one contains cargo that had been untouched for so long, many believing that the items have no value whatsoever, with the other burnt and dismantled with chests that sprouted near. This may be a cause of the treasure you speak of. As I offer my assistance I hope we can save De Riata together with my fellow heroes.


Re: The call for help

Ok so I was checking and it seems the path to crookback hollow from sewers is closed shut._. Also vice versa the path from hollows to sewers is also shut... not sure if it was like this but is this part of the event :o
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