So we had the mini event happen 1hour 25minutes ago, I do feel like it was a decent little event for a 1st time trying it, but do feel like overall it was a bit underwhelming. It would have been good to see 2-3 seperate characters even if in the future these are npcs which do weekly events. 2-3 characters in different locations for certain tiers of gameplay, beginner, mid tier and endgame, it would have been nice to see The Adventurer want to fight bigger bosses such as Mordris, Hrung, Necro, Prot, Gele, Bt and Dino along with rockbelly, Falgren, Sreng, Snorri etc for beginner or mid tier players. I know that this is still in early stages and I am sure the devs have further plans which may include the above but I just dont feel like the protect a lvl 5 player all the way from the castle to mordris is the way to go or exactly a fun thing to do. When it comes to the rewards I dont really feel like they are useful for endgame players if its just old items or sks etc, it would be nice to see the devs introduce some new and unique rings or equipment for these events depending on the difficulty.
Would be good to see what players from Epona thought about this event. I do feel like Vr are taking a step in the right direction though.
Feedback on The Adventurer mini event - Mabon player
#1Rogue - Mecki Level 226
Rogue - Creativity Level 210
Warrior - Private Level 215
Ranger - Level 180+
Worlds - Mabon, Epona and rhiannon
Rogue - Creativity Level 210
Warrior - Private Level 215
Ranger - Level 180+
Worlds - Mabon, Epona and rhiannon