Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New player

Hi, just started playing yesterday, thoroughly enjoying it so far, will no doubt be using the forum for chat and advice
Welcome! Find your server chat below the other forums and send them a heads up. Celtic loves new players!
Clan Relentless
Praetorian V - 220 Warrior
PocketHeals - 220 Druid
Lucerin - 221 Ranger
The Bazaar - Trader

Re: New player

Hey! Welcome to the world of forums and CH! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the game so far and found the forums so quickly. Absolutely don’t hesitate to pm experienced players or make a topic in the appropriate sub forums if you have any questions!
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: New player

Hi, im a new player, ive been playing for almost a week now, and i am so loving this game. Im level 53 now, im a warrior btw, tank build madon server But if you have any advice please give me some hehe, im pretty much solo sometimes since some new players come and go like crazy, and i dont really like asking help on high levels because im not enjoying it, i mean they just one hit a mob sometimes before i get near it lol, i really do hope that i met some players that as a same level as me and does not come and go, i can understand that they dont play often i mean we have outside lifes, im from asia so i pretty much play just night until i get sleepy, and im wondering is the players at the tavern from different servers? Because pretty much everyone i see has a hashtag sign on them and have different server names, and i would like to ask if how much is the price of Oats in the AH? Someone told me it's valuable for cookers, so my ratio is 50g per unit but someone said its under price, is that right? Anyways sorry for the long post. Im new to this community so bear with me hehe, thank you all. Especially to the one who helped me a bit in the game and the developers and community

Re: New player

Hi, im a new player, ive been playing for almost a week now, and i am so loving this game. Im level 53 now, im a warrior btw, tank build madon server But if you have any advice please give me some hehe, im pretty much solo sometimes since some new players come and go like crazy, and i dont really like asking help on high levels because im not enjoying it, i mean they just one hit a mob sometimes before i get near it lol, i really do hope that i met some players that as a same level as me and does not come and go, i can understand that they dont play often i mean we have outside lifes, im from asia so i pretty much play just night until i get sleepy, and im wondering is the players at the tavern from different servers? Because pretty much everyone i see has a hashtag sign on them and have different server names, and i would like to ask if how much is the price of Oats in the AH? Someone told me it's valuable for cookers, so my ratio is 50g per unit but someone said its under price, is that right? Anyways sorry for the long post. Im new to this community so bear with me hehe, thank you all. Especially to the one who helped me a bit in the game and the developers and community
Hey there and welcome! No need to worry about long posts. Were just glad you’re enjoying CH and have joined the forums! ;)
I understand going solo at an earlier level. It can be frustrating, too, asking help from higher levels when they kill things very easily. However, I suggest finding a good clan soon. You’re not too far off from starting armor quests in Stonevale (if you haven’t already), and it makes things so much easier to have a clan to help you get the drops you need. After Stonevale quests, you have Frozen armor in Otherworld to work toward, and that’s when the exciting bossing starts! At some point or another you will run into some endgamers you will need help from, so do not hesitate to ask! For the most part endgamers are always looking for the opportunity to help low levels.
Yes! VR recently made the Tavern global, so you can see players from other servers and duel them in a “bar fight”. Exciting huh?
As for the oats, 50g per unit seems like a fair price to me, but most servers are different in pricing. Might be good to go to 100-200g each. Ask an experienced player from your server what they think is a good price :) They are an important asset in making some delicious delicacies in Dal Riata!
Once again, welcome to the community! If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to post them in the appropriate sub forums or PM an experienced player! Were all happy to help you with whatever you need. :D
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

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