The boss was always intended to be very challenging not the kind of thing you'd roll over in a few days or even weeks and requiring more organization than previous bosses. That said we're watching progress and it's clearly, demonstrably not impossible using the tools at your disposal. However if it is proving to challenging for to many servers we may reduce the difficulty at some point in the future.
What we’ve seen is that tp happens with 28 people not 30. Have experienced this at multiple attempts. Walked around the entire area/counted each toon individually and we had 28 yet tp was happening. Any idea if this will be fixed?
It has never been set to 30.
Do dead people count towards the number of people in the area? This seems like an issue to me...especially on servers where there are likely to be griefers - whether an opposing endgame clan, or just some random player who just wants to hurt the attempt for some reason or another.
It would make more sense to me for the 30 player limit to only count players that are alive (if it doesn't already).
They don't.
Ofc it is possible with the tools we have... we did our best attempt this weekend and hit dino pretty hard but we have to rely so heavily on rng still. Some resources available to the servers that kill dino currently aren’t available to every server
Like say, idk, consistent RNG that hasn’t screwed over half the game on Bt helms? Some servers getting 10 helms per 100 kills and others getting 4 per 130 is just not valid statistics for finding the average drop rate. Look at the median drop rate and your outliers ._.
“Tools at our disposal” ah yup, those would probably be the godly items you all say only 1-3 people on a server should have. That may be why they aren’t really at our disposal.
This raid was made for a pc game with low player turnover and a massive loot table, all 3 of those variables don’t apply to CH.
ch isn’t a pc game, meaning almost all the players that play are hyper casual mmo fans.
Ch has massive player turnover, meaning that gear needs to keep dropping to actually matter. For example, just because 2 shadow moons have dropped over 6 years, doesn’t mean there are 2 on the server, there are probably 0.
Ch has a small loot table comparatively, meaning making godly drops rare as hell and required to kill stuff at the same time are contradictory ideas.
Dino raid was an awesome idea and I love the effort into doing something different, but why is it so hard for feedback to be taken and dealt with?
I wouldn’t mind the devs throwing stats at me to make me look like an idiot, but instead the entire team has ghosted the forums recently and we have no idea what in the gaston’s Pie is going on around here anymore...
Players want this discussion, even if it means VR through TRANSPARENCY making us look dumb and wrong. Help us get on the same page, and please stop eye rolling over these discussions, saying we don’t know what we are talking about, but never taking the time to explain to your player base.
Maybe I’m wrong though, and I just assumed we were supposed to kill the adds and have to dodge orbs and instead we are just supposed to use old game mechanics that were never patched to kill it. Maybe we should try this strat if this is what the raid was designed for...
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at