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Support Rogues of CH

Hello everyone just wanted to create this so we can all compare stats across servers and help each other on what works best, also maybe create a support rogue group chat line/kit/discord maybe?

Dex: 3390
Cunning: 7020
Expose: 3191
Smoke: 2268
Poison weps : 237

Helm: Shadow helm of bones +150 dex (mord helm)
OH: Glacial dagger +210 dex (shop dagger)
MH: Dagger of revenge +200 dex (corrupted gardens)
Neck: royal bloodleaf of subtlety +360 dex (CG)
Misc: BT +300 dex
Wrist: royal deadly ambush +170 dex +500 cunning
Wrist: godly deadly ambush +200 +600 (gele)
Ring: 1x royal living flesh +80 dex +800 cunning
Ring: 2x godly living flesh +100 +1000
Ring: imp living flesh ring +90 +900 (all rings necro)
Pet: T6 seed +240 dex
Gloves: DG +80 dex
RegulusBlack 222

Re: Support Rogues of CH

Pre dg, stay tuned for dg stats


Nice man can I ask what you have different to my gear cause 3.2 expose is highest I’ve ever seen :D
Grabbed like 3 pieces of armor from cg shop, imp bt ammy, charm.
Dunno what else to advise you other than balancing skill points well whilst maintaining high dex and cunning.

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: Support Rogues of CH

cg shop armour looks flashy but isn't realistic as edl is far superior at all bosses(for melee) with dhiothu being the only exception
Thats just the value, as far as combat i use edl

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: Support Rogues of CH

cg shop armour looks flashy but isn't realistic as edl is far superior at all bosses(for melee) with dhiothu being the only exception
Thats just the value, as far as combat i use edl
Eyyyyy that’s cheating man Lololl
It barely gets reduced my expose would still sit at 3.1minimum

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

Re: Support Rogues of CH


Eyyyyy that’s cheating man Lololl
It barely gets reduced my expose would still sit at 3.1minimum
Must use at all ur Dino kills
No u

227+ Rogue
221+ Mage
200+ Warrior
220+ Mage
200 Rogue
210+ Druid

Perma banned from ch friends band for spamming no u ft. Rogue81 & W7CH


Rogue BT Kill 09/20/2019

39th Full Doch, 14th Rogue - Danu

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