3. Basic business and economics... heh. I’ll give you a good reason why a free server works better than a restricted server economically. In a restricted server gold has horrible buying power, it becomes over inflated, and people sit on top of millions with nothing to buy. On a free server gold has a ton of buying power since gear and drops are sellable and buyable. People with large amounts of gold on other servers see how much gold is worth on Epona, and they all the sudden want to move to Epona where they can actually do something with their fortune. If all server were free, all those rich players will start to find interest in their server again as they can now use their gold. Gives another incentive to stay.
You do realize that players in Nuada when Apex was formed had the freedom to buy/sell any gear that they obtained, which seems to be a major foundation of your argument as to why the Epona system is superior to Nuada's. You don't have a toon in Nuada so you don't know the full history of what happened here, while the players that were stuck multiboxing and eventually quit the server do, myself included. It is not the player's fault that people, on two separate occasions, exploited a glitch in the system and started handing out free gold (I was not eg during the first time so I can't say for sure what happened then but I know all about the second). There are a lot of players that will accept the free gold when handed to them with no questions ask, and unfortunately that leads to a ban because of a glitch that shouldn't even be able to occur in the first place. The server used to have a normal full DKP with no decay clan that also lost its inactivity, so players made the decision to reform a new clan that was more open. The server got an influx of very high activity that was able to make its way to Dino, which we were very capable of killing. If you don't know this, stop dragging this post away from what VR should be focused on. After an unwarranted amount of time spent working on the server with no rewards, to use your words, it becomes a chore that nobody wants to endure continuously. We are not asking for a lot, we are literally requesting things that should be common sense like, having 4 drops from Dino and a guaranteed imperial drop (similar to BT). Not necessarily a weapon every kill lol, but hey I'd accept this too.
The players shouldn't be doing the developer's job and advertising the game for them. It's not our fault that the ratio for server:player is very off, with there being way more servers than actual players. If every player in the game only had 1 toon, more servers would die off than just Nuada (I speak with knowledge on a few servers, I can't speak for all). So yes, in Nuada, there are enough endgame toons theoretically to kill all bosses in the game, but there aren't enough unless the same core of multiloggers that logs at every boss continues to log.
Go level your 190 mage on Epona to endgame and actually work on your own toon instead of looking down on other clans/servers, especially those that you don't have any experience with.
PS: When we opened the server, the players that were logging for hrung-necro were still only from Apex, with only 2 outsiders joining in. The other players did not partake in the open server system, hence your argument for this increasing server activity is very wrong, but you would have known this if you had any proper insight. Clearly you don't.
Gut shot: Nuada is now full of toxic players who say things like
This guy is 14 and has brain cancer
Dont waste time, he have some mental issues.
Also, why are you assuming that they are toxic players when they are the 2 players that also invested a very extensive amount of time into the server? They are not toxic and, if anything, you're the only toxicity in the forum right now and I'm not sure why you are constantly getting unbanned. If you read what I wrote and think a player with experience from the start of the server to the current end (with a majority being at an endgame level) does not understand the server's situation as well as a non-endgame player from another server, then there is no point for anyone to continue to argue with you. I just hope VR understands the issue and does something to fix this, otherwise Nuada will just be left as a wasteland and it'll be clear that they don't care at all. When VR does their part, which is a very simple update, then the players would too.