Levelling cooking above 185
#1Anyone have tips on levelling cooking above 185, where all recipes seem to give very gimped experience?
Integrity is telling yourself the truth.
Im 185. i think fruit cakes give 3-4k for normal and 12k xp for perfected. 24k for perfected bara. Think i gotta use 20 xps to go up 1 lvl right now lol. Unfortunately my fishing lvl isnt high enough amd nobody sells high lvl fish so im screwed until fishing is up there. How many lixes do you think you use to go up one lvl? Certainly cant be close to 20 if thats what im having to use at my lvl.Gulper eels give good xp until level 188 then the cooking boss recipes are the only way after they give me 68k xp at lvl 189
So probably around15 super knos without the 150% xp per lvl is what it sounds like.I cooked salted anglers to get from 188-190. Going from 189-190 (if I remember right) took me about 15 hk’s on the 150% xp weekend.
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