Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Is dicing against CH's rules?

No it’s not. If dicing wasn’t allowed than chests shouldn’t be allowed either. Some clans however ban the act of dicing for whatever reason, if people want to gamble their gold then let em lol. Doesn’t hurt anyone.
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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Re: Is dicing against CH's rules?

What Zkills said and if u get scammed dicing VR won't do anything about it. Otm wouldn't so I'm assuming VR has the same views
When you trade something, it's traded for good. The person you just gave the gold or gear to is never forced to give anything back regardless of what is rolled.
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Re: Is dicing against CH's rules?

You are voluntarily lending someone X amount of gold on the promise that you get Y back if an unlikely occurrence happens.
Dicing is allowed because that’s a legitimate transaction that you could use many different functions of the game to do (“I bet you 5k that snor will be 6*”). However, the only assurance you have that they will uphold the agreement is their word. This, along with the fact that the scam blame game starts easily and is never very provable. Many clans disallow dicing because of its shady connotations, but support doesn’t because of the difficulty in proving foul play and it’s a voluntary transaction that would need to be revoked by support. There’s just too much grey to set up rules and the dice function has other more legitimate uses so they haven’t removed it.

Pegasus Lugh Signature & Profile artwork by Angmar Reid
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Re: Is dicing against CH's rules?

They should make an npc that a group of people can give money to and winner takes all in dicing
Could potentially be good for people who like to dice, and it could prevent scams, but we get kids younger than 15 and it could also promote gambling. I wouldn’t think VR would want to take that risk.
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Is dicing against CH's rules?

They should make an npc that a group of people can give money to and winner takes all in dicing
Could potentially be good for people who like to dice, and it could prevent scams, but we get kids younger than 15 and it could also promote gambling. I wouldn’t think VR would want to take that risk.
I thought of this but then I thought of loot boxes, they should be called lottery boxes. There basically gambling

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