Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Hej hello!

Im an older lady with a long list of games...Dark age of Camelot...Elder scrolls ....Wow and more behind me most mmorpg .
And when i say older i mean 60 years probably a bit slower but still going strong gamer
With old school know how ( if i remember it all).
My real surname is Elisabet
Im a mother of 5
Im a Grandmother of 4
My husband and i live in a Caravan in Sweden ..just because Sweden stoppet care about their sick and handicapped .
In othervwords we is kinda poor.
But my light in life beside my husband and chilren grandchildren is gaming....althoug it can be hard to be an veteran gamer with just a
Samsung tabA.
My typing is therefore (samsung tabA) a bit slow so bare with me please
I just enjoy questing and grinding....and asking questions sometimes.
If u se me.....the somewhat bad gear works and to buy new is totaly expencive
So injust grind along untill somthing appear worth using.

Facebook side Elisabet Nordqvist

Re: Hej hello!

Hello! Welcome to the forums. It’s always great to have another player join in, and it’s a special treat to find a veteran player. Elisabet is a lovely name by the way! :D
Games are definitely great because it doesn’t matter how old you are, there’s always a little something for everyone to enjoy.
And if you like asking questions, the forums are a great place to ask them (in the appropriate subforum, of course). Even if it’s not related to Celtic Heroes, lively and interesting topics are always welcome in the Off Topic section of the forums.

Welcome again and happy hunting!
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

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