I solo'ed my mage from 1-214 with these skills: fire lure, fire bolt, firestorm, e-shield, fire attun, and extras in shards. I've never used e-boost, i find it a waste of points (just my opinion)
I didn't have sigils until i was nearly 200 but i never needed them because i was never out of combat long enough for them to do much good. For energy regen i always used hero lixes which are cheap (500g-1k)
I found it invaluable to have a lux neck the gives a shield skill (currently using preceptor ammy). That combined with e-shield means you can take alot of dmg without feeling a thing. Very rarely had to use restos because of that combo.
Also dont kill 4 star mobs, they are not worth the headache, they can be killed but you have to time it right and even still...things can go awry. 1 and 2 star mobs die in 2-3 hits (or 1 with i nice crit) and 3 stars are not bad to deal with as long as you can get a shield up before or during the fight
Skipping 4*'s is what I did for most of my time leveling, but with a mages DPS if you can kill them they can be quite a nice reward XP wise.
It really just comes down to gameplay I would argue. For some they want to be a bit tankier, donning a shield and e shield with some higher vit might be more their style. I played full focus from 160 to end game, so I went a different route.
Back on track, this definitely works as a strat for easily leveling a mage, I've done it, others have done it, and it works well enough
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at