With the addition of critical skills and critical strikes, as well as Doch Gul armor, any added aggro from warcry is very beneficial. Taunt alone isn't enough anymore to keep aggro away from hard hitters.AgreedWell, first off, i believe full vit is the only way to go. The defense should come from gear.
Agreed, thus "low priority" in the descriptionI see enduring guard as nearly useless...
I believe my descriptions for these skills reflect that except for warcry. Personally, I have never resorted to using warcry for a single target such as a main boss. Putting extra points into such a skill when they could be put to better use therefore renders it a low-priority or situational skill.and believe skills should go like this:
Prot stance: max
Def form: max
Taunt: max
Bash: up to highest level you tank
Watery: extras
Also, in beta, (not sure if it made it to the live game), defense from dexterity and raw defense bonus from gear isnt exactly same, e.g. 1000 defense from 500 dex is better than +1000 defense from gear as it gives higher dodge/parry/block rates.