Re: Screenshot Contest: Most Hideous Costume! #113 by AssasinatorCH Character: Assasinator - 226 Warrior Server: Sulis
Re: Screenshot Contest: Most Hideous Costume! #114 by Infurnus Prevail ~ 220 ~ Epona 0.o Epona: Prevail ~ 220 Sexy Tank o.o ~ Arawn: Infurnus~222 Wack Rogue ~
Re: Screenshot Contest: Most Hideous Costume! #115 by Supernatura1 I don’t look ridiculous, you look ridiculous! Server - Epona Mage - Supernatura1 Epona Supernatura1 - Mage - Level: 223+ TaintedBlood - Warrior - Level: 223+ Unnatura1 - Druid - 223+ Paranorma1 - Rogue - 186+ Skeleta1 - Ranger - 115+ Proud General of Anarchy
Re: Screenshot Contest: Most Hideous Costume! #116 by Lucas41 Name: Lucas41 Server: Taranis Level: 224 Class: Ranger
Re: Screenshot Contest: Most Hideous Costume! #117 by HarmsWay HarmsWay 232 warrior Epona My friend got me into playing ch a couple years ago, he had me running around in these fancy duds except for the pants xD Gotta love friends like him lol HarmsWay 233 tank HarmFull 233 rogue HarmLess 222 druid HarmsReach 228 ranger HarmAgeddon 222 mage
Re: Screenshot Contest: Most Hideous Costume! #118 by LadyNymeria Server: Danu Toon: LadyNymeria LadyNymeria Level 230+ Rogue General of Ascension LadysHeart Level 220+ Druid Level 220+ Ice Mage Valyria Heartsbane 220+ Warrior Level 220+ Ranger Sweet Tansy Dreamfyre Level 220+ Lure Mage 190 Locker Rogue Catspaw Danu