Frankly, I’m surprised this game still has people logging anymore. I’ve gone from seriously addicted from 2012 to around 2017, to slowly logging less and less, until I’ve gotten to the point that I read server info from Band more than I even log my toons. It’s sad to see the lack of involvement by devs with their player base and even more disheartening to see people continue to spend money when they don’t appreciate you. It’s a total failure on their part in regard to updates, but the slowness in getting Warhammer up and running also shows they are not functioning efficiently across the board. It’s odd to fondly remember OTM, because of their issues as well, but that few years when regular seasonal updates were happening seems to be the height of CH when looking back. Well, it was a joy and got me through some very stressful times in my life while it lasted.
Lvl228 Ranger of Rhiannon, Former InviteOnly Clannie (long live Rolken!), Former Clannie of EternalSin, Former Chieftain of InnerCircle (Down with Rapidx!), Phantom General of Unity, Former Buyer of Plat, Owner of Too Much Fashion, First Geared Ranger of Rhiannon through DG, Hotswap Denier, Lover of Solo Grinding, and Former Addict of CH.
When you have played basically year one it really does suck. Mostly for me because of how many servers and endgame toons ive leveled as a total. Got these new people who don't fully understand just how "tired" you are of killing this snorri for the billionth time and they don't understand why you're so "lazy".
When you level in the same area with a new toon for the actual 20th time. Its the only way I stop myself from quitting the game. I keep going to new servers as endgame because it gives me a temporary boost of incentive until it goes away. The only thing I haven't done yet is experience a server's entirely differently run clan system and that scares me. The things crazy people do to keep themselves engaged is such to an extreme level.
The moment they brought back legacy items was when they stopped making new content. It gave them an easy way out to not need to make new things and no one really considered it. All we were worried about was the economy but the true damage was a very noticeable cease in any new content.