Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Patch Notes 3.7.1 (November 4th, 2020)

And why did you remove the token bounties in the dailies rewards for even more trash items ? Especially since only 4/5 items have been replaced... Is your goal to scare away players VR ? Waiting for an update of 1 year and having to wait 2 hours for that, really one of the worst teams, if Warhammer is the same and manage the same, it won't last long lel

Re: Patch Notes 3.7.1 (November 4th, 2020)

And why did you remove the token bounties in the dailies rewards for even more trash items ? Especially since only 4/5 items have been replaced... Is your goal to scare away players VR ? Waiting for an update of 1 year and having to wait 2 hours for that, really one of the worst teams, if Warhammer is the same and manage the same, it won't last long lel

To prevent players creating 1999 toons.
But still you can get token by doing daily bounties using your 1999 toons but its harder than daily rewards.

I really love the update :lol:

Re: Patch Notes 3.7.1 (November 4th, 2020)

Although it wasn’t stated in the patch notes , there is now an option to sell your spirit mount. Now let me tell you when I say I was surprised to see that a spirit mount can be traded for 32 mount tokens. Might’ve been a mistake, but after further investigation, it’s just how it is. Why? Does VR seriously not care about it’s Celtic Heroes players no more??
we aren’t ready ..

Re: Patch Notes 3.7.1 (November 4th, 2020)

What happened to the planned shiny toon effect?
Difinitus posted this a week ago: https://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=103376&p=817849#p817849.

Basically, they didn't want to make everyone wait even longer, so they split the update into two parts, releasing one now and the other in the future. I'd hazard a guess that the shiny effect (if it's actually being added) is in the second half.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Patch Notes 3.7.1 (November 4th, 2020)

Although it wasn’t stated in the patch notes , there is now an option to sell your spirit mount. Now let me tell you when I say I was surprised to see that a spirit mount can be traded for 32 mount tokens. Might’ve been a mistake, but after further investigation, it’s just how it is. Why? Does VR seriously not care about it’s Celtic Heroes players no more??

Because the Celtic Heroes community are toxic. The most toxic community living on earth.
Why care if the community is toxic azz?

Re: Patch Notes 3.7.1 (November 4th, 2020)

Although it wasn’t stated in the patch notes , there is now an option to sell your spirit mount. Now let me tell you when I say I was surprised to see that a spirit mount can be traded for 32 mount tokens. Might’ve been a mistake, but after further investigation, it’s just how it is. Why? Does VR seriously not care about it’s Celtic Heroes players no more??

Because the Celtic Heroes community are toxic. The most toxic community living on earth.
Why care if the community is toxic azz?
What is u saying bruh....
Anyways someone lied to me ignore my post
we aren’t ready ..

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