I just logged into this game for the first time in a long while, just to see what's been going on and where everyone is at. It's quite sad.
There are currently 3 players in Farcrag Castle, including myself. 3. In all of the zones combined I counted approximately 14 players online. I understand that this game is largely about logging in to kill a boss and then logging out, but I've never seen it so empty. How have the devs still never considered a server merge and/or server transfer yet? Large PC MMOS have merged their servers time and time again, why is Celtic Heroes any different? Market prices? Plat? "Dominant clans"? I mean if you think about the health of the game, none of that stuff means anything as in the long run everything balances out. No one world is so wildly different than others to where any of this even matters, as all worlds were released at the same time.
Speaking of "dominant clans", has OTM/VR ever considered that this specific situation is terrible game design? I mean, one group of players running an entire server sounds interesting on paper sure; You have the alpha group controlling everything, but since there are so many bosses, other groups can pick up where the main group got lazy and eventually even compete for the highest tier. Problem is, there isn't enough players to keep up with that. Problem is, bosses spawn so infrequently that there are no gaps to allow for a smaller group to take a big win while the bigger group is doing something else. Problem, is after years of this, the big group is so fed that the little groups can't even dream of competing. Huge groups are still turning up to Snorri and its almost 2021. Marking almost 7 years of camping one boss so integral to the progression of someone's character. Can everyone here reading just take a step back and read this out loud?
"Huge groups are still turning up to Snorri and its almost 2021. Marking almost 7 years of camping one boss so integral to the progression of someone's character."
I can only imagine what it must feel like for someone who has been playing since 2014 and STILL does not have the items they need. To turn up to that boss every 1:30 on the dot and wait, only to be outclassed by someone with years of power-creep ahead of them. How would a new player come into the game react to news like that? Would they be excited to hear that? I think they would shut the game off and uninstall, let me know what you think.
Speaking of 1:30. Why are bosses still spawning so infrequently? Especially bosses from years(expansions?) past. As new gear comes in, old gear gets phased out. That's standard practice on any MMO, especially one with this design. So why are old items still unobtainable for the average player? I have heard many times that devs can't keep up with creating content to satisfy players and I get that, its on every game. The strangest part about this is that even though content comes out so slowly, players still aren't finished with the old bosses even years after their release. Why? The timing of bosses, the tiers of bosses, the tiers of loot, the amount of loot. These are all factors that keep even the most dedicated players back for months/years even if for the most part, completely uncontested in collecting the loot from these bosses. So what is the logic in keeping those smaller groups and those newer players permanently locked in low tier content given the previous statement? Wouldn't it be more fun and exciting for everyone involved if players were more up to speed on the development of the game in a more reasonable time frame and were then able to compete on some of the most recent patches rather than 7 year old content? Not like the devs need to push the content out any faster still. Considering what I said previously about top clans still farming bosses after years uncontested, if they have to compete with the current tier then they have even less loot to get. Arguably delaying the need for newer content development even more than currently.
Where is the PvP balance patch?
I don't want this to seem like a "this game is dying" post, because we all know this game has been slowly losing players over the past few years and is at a point where it has its dedicated playerbase and some new players who come and go. I don't think its dying any more than it was years ago. This game can survive off a few hundred players just like many other games like it and will only shut down when the devs decide they don't care for it anymore. With that said, I loved this game and I had a lot of fun on it and I would love to be able to get back into it and play casually, but when I think about these issues I just lose all those feelings. I want to see a bunch of people running around everywhere, I want to see people in all different clans be competitive, I want to see people showing off their best loot and fashion in the main hub, I want to be able to log in and play whenever I feel like it and not when a timer tells me to log in.
I want everyone reading this to think about what they are doing on the game? Why are they logging in every day? What makes this game fun to you? What makes this game frustrating for you? Do you agree or disagree with anything I've wrote. I took the time to present my thoughts in detail here, and I hope to get more than just "he's mad he can't get loot". Please remember that this is a game and games are for all who play them to have fun. I hope you can just separate whatever negative thought along those lines you may have about people who post stuff like this because it's not about me or them. Just think for yourself.
Is this really the game you loved playing?
State of the game
[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]