Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

Spamming these threads isn’t going to magically change anything .-.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

Tried Who and it is not good.
The reviews seem too be very bad as well.

Is it about time CH had its own dedicated resources and few updates/events are planned?

Celtic Heroes and Warhammer are both great games. I like them both but for me Warhammer is miles better than Celtic Heroes. Warhammer is an upgraded version of Celtic Heroes.
I enjoy playing Warhammer than Celtic Heroes. I just hope VR wont add the same quest like the warden, meteoric, frozen, dl, edl and dg quest. You cant complete meteoric unless you finish the warden quest. I hate that quest and i wont do that f**** quest ever again. The most stupid idea of a quest ever.
Im willing to spend $1000 dollar or more in Warhammer just dont add that stupid quest.
Lazy Boy
Just Play and Enjoy
September 2020

I like roll system but i hate Epona because of bots.

Dont update Celtic Heroes until the community will change, from worst (scammers, stubborn, Dom clans, bots, etc.) to friendly community.

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

Tried Who and it is not good.
The reviews seem too be very bad as well.

Is it about time CH had its own dedicated resources and few updates/events are planned?

Celtic Heroes and Warhammer are both great games. I like them both but for me Warhammer is miles better than Celtic Heroes. Warhammer is an upgraded version of Celtic Heroes.
I enjoy playing Warhammer than Celtic Heroes. I just hope VR wont add the same quest like the warden, meteoric, frozen, dl, edl and dg quest. You cant complete meteoric unless you finish the warden quest. I hate that quest and i wont do that f**** quest ever again. The most stupid idea of a quest ever.
Im willing to spend $1000 dollar or more in Warhammer just dont add that stupid quest.
And this applies to a CH related discussion because...?
Doesn't matter if WHO is the best of all MMO's or the worst, the discussion is over whether or not CH will be finished as a game or left as is.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

Tried Who and it is not good.
The reviews seem too be very bad as well.

Is it about time CH had its own dedicated resources and few updates/events are planned?

Celtic Heroes and Warhammer are both great games. I like them both but for me Warhammer is miles better than Celtic Heroes. Warhammer is an upgraded version of Celtic Heroes.
I enjoy playing Warhammer than Celtic Heroes. I just hope VR wont add the same quest like the warden, meteoric, frozen, dl, edl and dg quest. You cant complete meteoric unless you finish the warden quest. I hate that quest and i wont do that f**** quest ever again. The most stupid idea of a quest ever.
Im willing to spend $1000 dollar or more in Warhammer just dont add that stupid quest.
And this applies to a CH related discussion because...?
Doesn't matter if WHO is the best of all MMO's or the worst, the discussion is over whether or not CH will be finished as a game or left as is.

Weather CH will be finished as a game or left as is,
is depends on the success of Warhammer.
So whether you like it or not, this applies to a CH related discussion. And remember Warhammer and CH is part of VR.

On to the topic....
Update Warhammer, but not Celtic Heroes,
because a smart Devs wont update a dead game.
Lazy Boy
Just Play and Enjoy
September 2020

I like roll system but i hate Epona because of bots.

Dont update Celtic Heroes until the community will change, from worst (scammers, stubborn, Dom clans, bots, etc.) to friendly community.

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

Doesn't matter if WHO is the best of all MMO's or the worst, the discussion is over whether or not CH will be finished as a game or left as is.
Is it about "finishing" CH? Can an MMORPG ever be actually finished?

Almost every single post I've seen has been about wanting more updates. MMORPGs don't really have the luxury of being finished at some point, people will always want more and more content as they get tired of what is currently available. It's an annoying part of non-story games - the players keep wanting more and more content. Eventually, the flow has to stop sometime - usually when the company decides to move on to another game, like with VR's case.

In what way could VR "finish" CH?
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

Doesn't matter if WHO is the best of all MMO's or the worst, the discussion is over whether or not CH will be finished as a game or left as is.
Is it about "finishing" CH? Can an MMORPG ever be actually finished?

Almost every single post I've seen has been about wanting more updates. MMORPGs don't really have the luxury of being finished at some point, people will always want more and more content as they get tired of what is currently available. It's an annoying part of non-story games - the players keep wanting more and more content. Eventually
, the flow has to stop sometime - usually when the company decides to move on to another game, like with VR's case.

In what way could VR "finish" CH?
I believe you are being too apologetic on VRs behalf without an obvious justification. VR not talking to their player base while not updating the game and not telling their player base that they are planning on not working on the game is not something VR should be left off the hook for.

The core playerbase left last heard from VRs messaging that the game will continue to be worked on "for years to come". I know I butchered the quote.

That's the jist of it and that was our general expectation based on their last real "update post".

VR has become silent on their official means of communication to their players. This new level of silence is an unprecedented step against their stated intentions about supporting the game.

Their silence here is something that as far as I am aware has never happened before.

And without communication from our Developers we are left to speculate.

It is not unreasonable to be pessimistic about Celtic Heroes' fate if we are receiving conflicting information and speculating about the rest.

It is disgraceful to operate the game in this way.

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

Doesn't matter if WHO is the best of all MMO's or the worst, the discussion is over whether or not CH will be finished as a game or left as is.
Is it about "finishing" CH? Can an MMORPG ever be actually finished?

Almost every single post I've seen has been about wanting more updates. MMORPGs don't really have the luxury of being finished at some point, people will always want more and more content as they get tired of what is currently available. It's an annoying part of non-story games - the players keep wanting more and more content. Eventually, the flow has to stop sometime - usually when the company decides to move on to another game, like with VR's case.

In what way could VR "finish" CH?
By continuing the main storyline with a final quest to kill Crom

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

By continuing the main storyline with a final quest to kill Crom[/quote]

That would be pretty cool
E3: Rogue (223)
Annihilate: Rogue (200)

Shadow9: Warrior (222)
36O: Ranger (220)
On Ice: Ice Mage (220)
On Fire: Ice Fire (220)


Instagram: @celtic_tavern (I do daily uploads, feel free to come say hi)

Re: Any updateeeeeeee

By continuing the main storyline with a final quest to kill Crom
That would be pretty cool[/quote]

It would be, for that to work though they need to make a main storyline. I honestly don't know what they were doing in the stonevale. It doesn't really continue the main story at all. The threads they have in the other world and sewers kind of makes sense but they're also a lot of separate pieces that don't really make sense as a whole story. Then are they just going to say the story continues 100 levels later?

I would love a continuation of the story but I doubt it would actually be good. If you guys just mean adding Chrome as the final boss without much explanation (as with all the other raids) then I don't really care if it's well made fun and good loot then yeah I'm all for it but I think there are a lot of issues/things to be updated that are much simpler to fix and would make the game even more enjoyable then even a new boss potentially.

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