Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

DECA, my background is business management in real life. I specialize in Client/Customer Success/Service. I have spent most of my career helping the companies I work for make things amazing for their customers/clients. My mantra has always been that when something bad happens it presents an opportunity to create an emotional connection with your customers by responding to that incident in a way that goes above and beyond the expectations and by creating events that would not have mattered too much without that event taking place. As far as celtic heroes I have played this game since 2011 and love this game.

I believe that you should consider running an event as part of reopening up the servers.

I posted this part on the Discord server: "It needs to be epic to allow the community to quickly take its mind off this event. Maybe triple plat might not be enough. Perhaps quadruple plat, and everything in the plat store is 75% off. Plus a permanent change in exp rates x4. At this point the grind to 220 doesn’t need to take a new player 200 hours. Add in a 7 day log in bonus of 500 plat, 14 day of 1000 plat, 21 day of 2000 plat, and a 28 day of 4000 plat and have it reset after 28 days. Create a plat shop that you can buy discs, meteoric items, frozen gear quest drops and Dragon Lord armor drops. The grind for quest armor shouldn’t start until 180 (imo you could include crowns in the shop and it be ok). There is enough grind leveling up. There are plenty of Quality of life adjustments you can make. I realize that adding items like quest loot to the plat shop would require a client update but it’s needed so make that happen when you update the client for security upgrades."

I want to expand on the Quality of Life upgrades that are needed:

- I listed the quest drop plat store adjustment - Currently the barrier for a new player to join the existing player base in the "end game" content is too steep. I recently created a character on Herne, mind you I am an experienced player and know how to maximize my toon to get the most DPS and know what lux items, potions, elixers, etc to use to max my leveling time. I have spent over 140 hours leveling and am only at 205. If exp rates were permanently quadrupled then what is normally around 200 horus of game time to grind to level 220 would in theory be reduced to 50 hours.

The environment for mobile gaming has changed a lot since 2011. In 2011 Celtic Heroes was basically pioneering MMORPGs in the mobile environment. If a person was looking for an MMORPG they were basing their experience off of WoW, EQ, or Runescape (sorry if I shouldnt be mentioning other games here.) In those games it did take 100+ hours to level up to end game status. In 2022 the landscape is significantly different. There are literally hundreds of MMORPGs in the itunes store or android store. When you play most of them it almost automatically levels for you. Individuals that download the CH game will play on a server until around level 30-50 and then delete it once they realize that the main community in the game is all lvl 220 and there is becoming a significant grind to level up. It is years past time to adjust and give easier access to new players. The other consideration on the leveling changes is the existing players. As the community interacts with each other there is becoming interest in leveling up characters on other servers to be able to constantly raid, since the spawn timers on raid bosses are 36-72 hours apart. Because of the time commitment to level up to end game players either get discouraged and don't join their friends on other servers or some players break the EULA rules by borrowing or even "buying" end game toons on the other server.

- Currently the best mounts and pets in the game are only obtainable via plat purchased chests. Plat is only available by using real life money to purchase them in store. I understand that this is the revenue stream that keeps the game going. I hope that one direction the new developers takes the game is to try to encourage more individuals to spend a little money on the game versus counting on a few individuals to spend a lot of money on the game. It should not cost $2000-$4000 to get the best in game item, but that is exactly what it costs to open enough chests to get a spirit rare pet or mount. Instead either lower the prices of the items in the plat shop significantly, or increase the amount of plat you obtain when making a purchase significantly (or both) to encourage more frequent plat purchases. The challenge then comes for you as the developer to continually come up with new content in the plat store to keep us interested in making purchases. Which leads me to the next Quality of Life upgrade that is needed,

- Drops for the quest gear shouldn't have to be grinded for at the lower levels. The Warden quest line of gear should be able to be obtained via alternative methods instead of grinding bosses that require a full group of players that are at or close to the level of the boss (except on Epona, you will not find a full group of proper level for these bosses as you are leveling up) or asking a lvl 220 to help you kill the boss. My suggested alternative is to add these as a plat store item. Put all of the warden gear quest drops in the plat store up through Dragon Lord armor. This would allow players to continue to focus on leveling toward joining the end game community on the servers. They can still get the experience for grinding for the quest gear by grinding the DL weapons and EDL armor and weapons with the rest of the end game community.

As a former general of an end game clan, an original player, and someone that has played a myriad of other MMORPGs I have a multitude of other suggestions that are enhancements to the game. I am always willing to share those ideas but that is for another thread.
World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)

Searching for the next adventure.

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

Hi Sweefish, OG 2011 player here too. And hi Joan, a fellow Rosmerta OG player. It’s all well and good to offer a plat event etc. However, lm fairly upset at spending hours tonight changing passwords on my and my wife’s laptops because my game provider has compromised my data security on other platforms, and if l don’t get all my accounts back, 11 years of blood, sweat, tears and a lot of plat purchases. Apart from the years not developing any updates to the game we love (not Deca’s fault given they have just taken over), this outcome is pretty poor and to improve players willingness to come back and play, there should be hefty compensation, not events, to restore confidence. CH servers have been slowly dieing due to inattention on improving the game, for years now. I would hate to see this be the nail in the coffin if it can’t be put right!
- Terius
Last edited by Wisebug on Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rosmerta: Terius 233 Warrior, Teriusmage 221 Mage, Foofighter 221 Druid, Quicksilver 221 Rogue
Quikshot 220 Ranger and Etc Alts
Nuada: Whildman 221 Rogue Immovable 176 Warrior, Quantum Flux 141 Druid + nubs
OG Xmas 2011. Plat buyer.

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

Hi Sweefish, OG 2011 player here too. And hi Joan, a fellow Rosmerta OG player. It’s all well and good to offer a plat event etc. However, lm fairly upset at spending hours tonight changing passwords on my and my wife’s laptops because my game provider has compromised my data security on other platforms, and if l don’t get my account back, 11 years of blood, sweat, tears and a lot of plat purchases. Apart from the years not developing any updates to the game we love (not Deca’s fault given they have just taken over), this is outcome is pretty poor and to improve players willingness to come back and play, there should be hefty compensation, not events, to restore confidence. CH servers have been slowly dieing due to inattention on improving the game, for years now. I would hate to see this be the nail in the coffin if it can’t be put right!
- Terius

Could not agree more!
Guardian Of "Shine Of Blood"
Plat Buyer
Player since 2011 XMAS

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

I whole heartedly agree with you! I’ve been playing since 2015 off and on. It was tough for me to get to level 170. I even dropped about $700 on plat just to make the grind, since I was inexperienced I didn’t know how to optimize my time. I joined a few entry level clans which all got discourage and disbanded after a few months. The two main clans would poach the higher level toons and then the lower levels would be left to fend for themselves. However, there were not enough of them to really make things work so the clan would just disappear. I had to grind to 170 so I could join one of the two end game clans. I had to save my gold, which is crazy hard to come by if your not buying it from other players for RL money, just to buy quest items that I couldn’t get for armor. I started in 2015 but quit in 2017 and only got back on it in 2020 during the lockdowns. Just wanted something to do really. Now I have a 222 tank that I rarely ever play and I’ve spent well over 1k on him through the plat store. I stopped playing him due to the fact that I cannot get better end game gear without buying a ridiculous amount of gold from other players so I can by ridiculously overpriced jewelry or weapons. If they added more end game content I think it would remedy some of the hardships if you don’t belong to the only clan that kills Dino, gely, or prot.

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

They could also remedy the hard ships of leveling past 130 if they added more quests to places like carrow, Gardens, and the tower. Adding decent repeatable quests that grow with you every 5 to 10 levels better story quests that bridge the gaps and give you better equipment like jewelry, weapons, and perhaps some better armor alternatives for edl, dosh, and occult. Make it to where players can acquire more equipment soloing or with a small group instead of having to have a major raiding party to just get two or 3 items. I forgot to mention I’m an original EQ player from waaaaaay back in the day. When I started on that I was paying 15 bucks a month to play and the ONLY way you could level up was with a group. The only way you could solo is if you had a level 65 main that “twinked” out your alt lol. The good old days of calling people “twinks” instead of “OP”. And the only way to get around was to pay a wizard or Druid for a port or punt to another zone or you were huffing it for an hour lol. I also played guild wars but only briefly. Also played wow, eq2, RuneScape, maple story, and a slew of others.

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

We need a Month of the Mad Dog to parody the Month of the Mad God that realm of the mad God receives yearly.

A huge dog spawns in lirs bugger in size than any boss before.

This boss ignores the target lock feature that we have fondly grown accustomed to.

And it some how rewards all players that deal X amount of damage at least some how with some treats of some sort.

The boss will have no spawn window to spawn in. Instead it will spawn immediately as soon as the cooldown respawn timer is up.

How often the respawn timer should be depends on the rewards it can drop. No top tier extreme end game loot.

That would break the balance of the game idk what though lol.

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