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Many are wondering what happened between the model and Viscious trade problem. (by request of him) I make this post to say that Viscious did accidently give it to a lower level, and the reason he didn't pay model back for her lost items was the way she spoke to him after the incident, very foul language was spoken by her while not exchanged by Viscious, if she had been more understanding Vis gladly would have payed but given the position she up him in and the fact she blocked him nothing else was done.

Long story short, Vis mad a mistake, he's human, not a scammer.

Re: Viscious

I always liked visc and knew he wouldn't do something like this. Now the full/real story is out and seems more realiable. As for jy, go read another post I wrote lol... Bring some tissues as well.
Server: Arawn
Been playing since October, 2011
Silvos- lvl 129 Ranger
Sirus- lvl 88 Rogue
Otm sucks... Its pay to win type of game... Money goddesses!!

Re: Viscious

No you do not have the full story. You have less then 1 tenth of the full story and the events that went down. And your little "foul language" excuse is so far off base it's ridiculous. As soon as the incident occured he offered no remorse, no apology, no "well here's my ammy Model at least cover half of my mistake, no aNYTHING. He simply said and I quote "well I gotta log for nowfakily stuff. Hope u get ur stuff back.". And logged.

That's when the anger of his actions started. Not before.

Please don't show your lack of intelligence by claiming you now have the full story.

Viscious stole from me. He is a dirty thief. Believe what u wish, but do not pretend to know the story.
Ohhhh Hai2u!!! ::)

Re: Viscious

Everyone here reading this imagine the scenario like it was YOU, not Model.:

You trade your Heroic Ammy and your camo charm to a friend, a longtime friend who you transfer with often, who knows your toons well...tell them the character to trade it to, log off, log on with that character and see that the guy traded it to a lvl 4 and then you try...TRY to not lose your unfathomable. Everyone on server knows they would go nuts!! Nuts and say some nasty things.

To me, if Visc, really honestly didn't give her back her stuff, or at the very least didn't try to reimburse, simply because he got lambasted with hardcore rageful anger... The guy is straight up riddiculous. We all remember Katz talking to both of them about the incident, it wasn't "being blocked" that stopped the communication, it was him deciding not to reimburse. And Mo going nuts over it.

Facts are: this happened. I fully believe that Visc isn't an evil guy, but he was fully at fault, and then wusses out bc he got an earful for it??? And everyone else here is saying.."oh that's cool.." lol are you serious?

You spent WEEKS talking about this, and now you are wiping his butt and telling him it doesn't stink.

You gotta love politics on Arawn.
Last edited by Teaweasel on Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Viscious

Well idk bout u, but whenever I'm in a gro with visc or phurious or other bada membs, and model gets in, she says mean unfathomable to all of them and leaves. Everyone has the picture visc being a devil scammer and model being 100% innocent angel. Everyones gonna say made up unfathomable. Only two ppl to know what went down r visc and model and neither will admit the real story because they wanna make the other person sound like a dousche. So drop the subject all no one has to stick up for other side.

Keep it between visc and model. Besides model buy plat like no other and got new items within 5 mins. Already had camo charm on alt too so not much of a loss.
Server: Arawn
Been playing since October, 2011
Silvos- lvl 129 Ranger
Sirus- lvl 88 Rogue
Otm sucks... Its pay to win type of game... Money goddesses!!

Re: Viscious

Well idk bout u, but whenever I'm in a gro with visc or phurious or other bada membs, and model gets in, she says mean unfathomable to all of them and leaves. Everyone has the picture visc being a devil scammer and model being 100% innocent angel. Everyones gonna say made up unfathomable. Only two ppl to know what went down r visc and model and neither will admit the real story because they wanna make the other person sound like a dousche. So drop the subject all no one has to stick up for other side.

Keep it between visc and model. Besides model buy plat like no other and got new items within 5 mins. Already had camo charm on alt too so not much of a loss.

Again, Keep what between Visc & Model? that he traded away 500k worth of items and didn't apologize? Because that seems like what yer saying.

Your logic sucks. Because she spends her own money on this game, it's no big loss if another throws all her stuff away? Right...

Mo is a total raging woman now, but you all act like because she is raging it's her fault. Her hysteria is why it makes sense, why it's ok. I would love to watch any of you be graceful and humble after THIS was done to you.

This is pure politics. Clanmates & Allies, piling on to retell history. Personally I am good friend's with Mo, I don't dislike Viscious as a rule, but if he can't man up, then people should hold him accountable. Not as a scammer, which he isn't necessarily, but as a douche.

[I Editted this to make my points more clear and my personal barbed comments have less bite. I didn't change any content though, just made it tighter and clearer]
Last edited by Teaweasel on Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Viscious

U basically just said because. If ur a friend or clan member of visc then u will stickup for him. Yet u just said I'm good friends with model. Ur sticking up for model! So anything she says u will back up. Like I said before, idc if there's 50 posts on what happened. No one knows the truth but visc and model, if neither of them agree to whst rly happened then no one will know the real truth and we will all take sides like we r doing.

I'm not a "new ally" of visc. We have been friends since update maybe pre-update so it's not like I'm just now sticking up for him. And my logic is bad? I'm using the only logic here! I'm not blaming either for unfathomable because unless ur model or visc u don't know what went down.
Server: Arawn
Been playing since October, 2011
Silvos- lvl 129 Ranger
Sirus- lvl 88 Rogue
Otm sucks... Its pay to win type of game... Money goddesses!!

Re: Viscious

Bro, Read the original post. What are you talking about?

Visc feels like he has been made out to be a scammer, he is saying he isn't a scammer, thru Krypto, because Krypto lambasted him as a scammer for weeks. He very well may not be a scammer, never seemed like one before.

The story isn't and never has ever changed. There isn't 2 different accounts of what happened, only why it did.

Both People fully admit and agree that:
•There was a transfer worth 500k (Golden Ammy & Camo Charm)
•The transfer went to a lvl 4 (either by mistake which is what Visc says/ or by scam/ripoff which is what Mo says)
•And now it's model's problem. (because she was a lunatic afterward (Visc's thoughts) or because Visc doesn't care or planned it like a dirty thief(Mo's thoughts)

That's the story, there's no "we will never know what happened because its only between them."

People can hate Mo for refusing to back down and refusing to not keep shouting like a lunatic about it in groups and shout, but look at it honestly. If this all happened to you, like it happened to her...would you just walk away?
Last edited by Teaweasel on Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

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