Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Fragment prices

Ehh, in my world, Gwydion, here the average range of the cost our frags sell for...
Moon: 500-2k
Sun: 2k-4k
Oak: 5k-8k ish.
Elm: 8k ish- 15k
Crown: 10k-15k
Dragon: Usually atleast 50k. So our world is kinda in the middle kind of price.
World: Gwydion

Lvl 80+

Everyone, and everything in this world, has a purpose, so never feel left out.

Re: Fragment prices

reduce amount of drags needed for warden, that is the simplest solution that i see. 1 for chest and 1 for wep. that way the highr prices are tolerable because u dont have to buy as many. also make it a requirement for fal to drop at least 1 drad each kil, is really annoying wasting pots and idols for a few crowns -.-
pro8blematic-mage-retribution-120+lures ftw!

Re: Fragment prices

Prices are so dynamic. If someone sees someone selling something in shout for a certain price, they may assume that is a good price for them to sell at. And, if people will buy at whatever that price is, that buyer has just helped set the price for the server. If people truly want dragons to be 50k, decide that you will wait until you get a dragon drop yourself or until someone is willing to sell at your price.
CH Wiki Editor
Fix Druid OTM! http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 48&t=42033
Most Druids are dual-device.
I won't buy Plat until Druid issues are addressed.
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Re: Fragment prices

Picture this scenario... you have a dragon disc and someone shouts "buying dragon disc for 150k". Now, we have just set the price for dragon at around 50k, so you will have to message him and say you only want 50k. Also, those wishing to set the prices indeed can, just go ahead and camp all the bosses, get the drops, and then collectively sell them at the advertised prices previously mentioned. Once you guys all do that, I will buy all your dragon discs at 50k until they supply is depleted.. and sell at 200k. Not to make money, although I will, but just to demonstrate how poorly conceived and misunderstood the idea of being able to put static prices on drop items is.

Re: Fragment prices

Ehh, in my world, Gwydion, here the average range of the cost our frags sell for...
Moon: 500-2k
Sun: 2k-4k
Oak: 5k-8k ish.
Elm: 8k ish- 15k
Crown: 10k-15k
Dragon: Usually atleast 50k. So our world is kinda in the middle kind of price.
Thats a little off....
Moon: 1-2k
Sun: 2-3k
Oak: 4-6k
Elm: 5-8k
Drags: 50-75k( :x )

Re: Fragment prices

Picture this scenario... you have a dragon disc and someone shouts "buying dragon disc for 150k". Now, we have just set the price for dragon at around 50k, so you will have to message him and say you only want 50k. Also, those wishing to set the prices indeed can, just go ahead and camp all the bosses, get the drops, and then collectively sell them at the advertised prices previously mentioned. Once you guys all do that, I will buy all your dragon discs at 50k until they supply is depleted.. and sell at 200k. Not to make money, although I will, but just to demonstrate how poorly conceived and misunderstood the idea of being able to put static prices on drop items is.
I like this guy LOL.
Formerly the original Eo.
iOS Beta Tester Pre-Otherworld
Currently KEnergy
Been a Part of the Greatest Clans in Rosmerta through the thick and thin.
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