lock the boss. It will stop the monopoly. I'd rather see the first attacker get the kill rather than a clan full of DPSers come along and KS another clan under the existing system. Smaller clans with lower levels have minimal to no chance of winning these battles today. At least they will have an equal chance of killing the boss with the "lock the boss" option. If you don't attack first, too bad.
No one clan can monopolize every boss on the map if it is first attacker. The system as it stands now, gives the high level clans a big advantage because they can come along and steal your bosses with enough DPS.
Re: Stop the monopoly or fix it please
#61Eternal Sin
omad - Druid 131
omao2 - Warrior 108
omao - Rogue 83
omaw - Mage 79
omao3 - Ranger 26
omad - Druid 131
omao2 - Warrior 108
omao - Rogue 83
omaw - Mage 79
omao3 - Ranger 26