Also why cap damage on any bosses hen the level 100+ have put the time and effort in that the level 70s can't be bothered to do its pathetic moaning cause you get ksed!
1. I am a level 144 Ranger (and currently highest ranked Ranger in my world) so your "pathetic moaning cause you get ksed!" comment is void.
2. I am ONLY SUGGESTING alternative ideas.
3. If you want to be taken seriously and not considered as someone whose only worth is yapping, then maybe you should provide constructive criticism instead of...well...yapping.
The way target lock should work is that the first attacker on the mob is the person tied to the mob and will get the drop if the mob dies
Whoa now, so you are saying a level 60 can attack any mob in OW and a friend can kill it for him and the level 50 gets xp/loot/everything? That is an easy way to powerlevel someone to the 130s.
The benefits to target lock:
No need to "wait around" for the perfect group before starting a boss
ANY character type can start the fight (don't need to start with a Tank or DPS)
I wouldn't really classify these as benefits. A boss should be hard, not just anyone with a stick should be able to get him.
Aileron is exactly right.
1. There are also many ways a high level can rush in and take first hit. At which point the preping players lose their chance at a boss.
2. I think it will take a lot of coding and testing to even attempt this, so why try it for 2-3 months?
3. People are always unhappy with some game mechanic or other (this forum is rife with many different complaints) and the devs can't please everyone. It’s a fool’s errand to even try. Also, how many players will quit if such a dramatic change is forced on them? There are always two sides to the 'we will quit if it’s not changed!!!' threat. Threatening to quit means little to nothing in the grand scheme of things. If you aren't happy with the way the ocean waves crash upon the shore, should threatening to pull a single bucket of water out make a difference? (Yes, I know it’s an absurd comparison and fully expect trash talk for it.
4. Boss *should* be hard.
Again...I am sure there are alternatives to solving this issue that is more agreeable to the community at large.
This thread is getting off topic IMHO. As far as I could tell the OP wanted a change to the current system. Admin asked if the community would ACCEPT one option. So far several have said no and several have said yes. The argument behind the individual's reasoning does not matter when asked their opinion. Maybe it is time to look at other options. If you don't want to then that’s your choice...even the blind hog finds an acorn in the woods now and then...happy hunting.