Amen but yer talking about Dragon Discs, and they are talking about Green Dragon Armor drops you senile-nooblet116. Got my first disc today. The are going to be more plentiful and this will not be an issue.
It makes sense that if no spawn is up for hours it should be checked out...I fully support that...I would simply have the dev's recheck out the spawn times and give us some ballpark idea of those spawn times.. Don't need the exact time to the minute, but is the spawn like 4+ hours? Sometimes it seems so.
I think that everyone is forgetting that this is an event that will last at LEAST 5 weeks, more likely 8 weeks. Everytime Admin says: "The Plan is..." add like 4 weeks to his timeline. Not a crack on Admin, just the truth. So yer gonna have Green Dragons in Lirs for the next 2 months most likely...until Update 4 is what Admin said. The panic about dragons should slow down a bit.