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Arawn killed aggragoth again

We killed aggragoth again. A harrowing 4 hour fight. Teaweasal can tell u more as he has good English. No more aggragoth for me until we can have two groups of high levels with one group dealing solely with adds. Anyway, well done to all those involved mostly from Badabing clan and those who helped outside the group.

Re: Arawn killed aggragoth again

Lol was a really long fight, I won't bore you with the drama, but very long and I was invited halfway.

But tremendous effort by Bada's core group, lots of members on for a long time. 3 drops. A Healer's Lesser Focus Braclet(Druid), a Master's Grimoire of Fire (Mage) and something else that I can't remember.

A few touch n go moments, mostly because when Aggy gets in that corner he can twist up onto the wall and out of targetable range, and then when tank is trying to drag him back, any person(s) in front of him prevent him from moving forward and back into position. Obviously this was just a learning experience for some, and for others out of the main group it was just a communication issue. But everyone was smart and supportive, even when a few of us misclicked and Leystoned the carpet ride of shame back to the fight.

I think that right now for Arawn it's still a plat-filled endeavor but given some support groups from other clans and some reasonable set up(like kicking one loot to the add grp, and perhaps rolling if it's a class drp), Arawn should be able to do this more manageably in the future and continue to be a strong multi-clan server.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Arawn killed aggragoth again

I discussed with my clan. Here's what we suggest.

Both aggy group and adds group r equally important so people in both groups should be treated the same for chance of getting drops

For class drops, players in both groups in same class will roll for the drops. E.g. There is one warrior bracelet and three warriors in both groups. The three will roll for the one drop.

For non class drops, all except the player or players who get the class drop will take part in the roll to determine who get drops.

In this way, we r treating everyone fairly as whether they get drops will depend on chance of roll.

To make sure no free riders, only level 120 for non Druid and 100 for Druid should be allowed in the groups.

We think this is a simple and yet fair way to distribute drops.

Glad to hear your feedback.

Re: Arawn killed aggragoth again

I discussed with my clan. Here's what we suggest.

Both aggy group and adds group r equally important so people in both groups should be treated the same for chance of getting drops

For class drops, players in both groups in same class will roll for the drops. E.g. There is one warrior bracelet and three warriors in both groups. The three will roll for the one drop.

For non class drops, all except the player or players who get the class drop will take part in the roll to determine who get drops.

In this way, we r treating everyone fairly as whether they get drops will depend on chance of roll.

To make sure no free riders, only level 120 for non Druid and 100 for Druid should be allowed in the groups.

We think this is a simple and yet fair way to distribute drops.

Glad to hear your feedback.
I agree with smelly on this one...this is the easiest fairest and quickest way to handle the drops. Look forward to helping, sounds like fun. Although rolling could get confusing and maybe should be done at the tower leystone for debrief and deciding loot. Also level requirement would mean that only people that level or above would roll. I heard that the main hands may be level 150 and above?

Also maybe a decision on who should roll based on time spent. I guess this gets tricky for instance someone coming the last ten minutes shouldn't get drop. Maybe the people who have been there longer than half the fight?

The server has to work together and know that the kills will help everyone eventually. I think this will bring everyone together and have seen some great examples of this since I've been back! Call me an optimist :D
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Arawn killed aggragoth again

I discussed with my clan. Here's what we suggest.

Both aggy group and adds group r equally important so people in both groups should be treated the same for chance of getting drops

For class drops, players in both groups in same class will roll for the drops. E.g. There is one warrior bracelet and three warriors in both groups. The three will roll for the one drop.

For non class drops, all except the player or players who get the class drop will take part in the roll to determine who get drops.

In this way, we r treating everyone fairly as whether they get drops will depend on chance of roll.

To make sure no free riders, only level 120 for non Druid and 100 for Druid should be allowed in the groups.

We think this is a simple and yet fair way to distribute drops.

Glad to hear your feedback.
I agree that seems simple. A few more wrinkles to consider...

Again I would say that all drops and talk of drops gets worked out at Tower. We need a place with no adds and no noobs, or fewer of them asking "What dropped What dropped What dropped What dropped What dropped What dropped?" if everyone knows that we jump to tower right after, then we can reconvene there and kick loot to the raid leader and get it rolled for piece by piece.

Last night Falgren popped during last 2% of Aggy, so I dropped group IMMEDIATELY and jumped to falgren. And downed it with clan. I think this will happen many times in that there are lots of other bosses ppl need in world. Pyrus, Grommack not withstanding.

However Post-Drop rolls and organization will take some time to work out and I think that for as long as the fight is, we need 10 min of patience from everyone to get the drops to the right people. Failure not to stick around seems like a pass at rolling for yer drop.

Let me know what you think about that. Or how we can deal with people who need to leave immediately after or something.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: Arawn killed aggragoth again


My Druid, Drood was both the Druid standing under the dragon and the misclick back to the tower after being eaten by an add. Hey... Under the dragon seemed the safest place since occassionally the Druid line was just Druid fricasee and under the dragon I only got munched by the occassional ad. The dragon movement up the wall did not have to do with Drood since he never had aggro, but once up the wall my location then fubared targeting. :(. I was not in a group, just healing from out of group and learning the fight so my little trip to the tower was not an issue, but it took a moment to tell Drood that he erm... Target blocking the dragon.

Given such a stellar performance, only amplified by the fact that I was the lowest Druid there and healing for under 1k Touch, I don't imagine having or expect to have much of a voice in either the strategic conversation or the loot splitting... That said... :D

I would actually suggest three groups...

1- tank/heal/buff: I might have two tanks, possibly a mage for cloak targeting and lures and a bunch of Druids with some split capacity between full heal and ward/buff. Second tank coordinates with main to keep a secondary level of aggro and grabs aggro from ads on Druid line. Controversial, but I would try a H2H high level Knux Rogue for interrupts.
2- dps: I would include one heal Druid, at least one dps warrior who can switch to shield for ads on Druid line. The non-tanking warriors grab ad aggro to give time to the rest of the dps to target ads in the immediate area of the heal line.
3- depop: I would make a balanced leveling group of 120-130 that was essentially continually depopulating the ad pool and leveling. Participation in this group would be based on the upfront agreement to forgo dragon drops for that fight. I myself would be willing to contribute a tank and Druid to that group. This group should primarily operate behind the heal line and back in the direction of the cave entrance with a focus on Wyrmtamers. A few ads spawn in the area of the heal line and tank and the main groups can cover those. This group could probably get away with one tank, a couple of healers and 2-3 dps. This will not completely eliminate all ads or anything, but will greatly change the dynamics of the fight.

Of course this is not necessary and it is possible and will be fun to take the dragon with one appropriately geared balanced team, but this might be fun to try.

Governance structure:
There might be two governance structures. One operational and the other for drop management.

Operational Governance-
I reccomend a designated leader in each group all from the same clan. This allows one clan chat to be used for inter group commuication. It is possible that the depop group will be out of Say range at times.

Loot Diatribution:
Loot should be functionally organized by class. If we had a complete loot table, what went where could more or less be known and agreed upon ahead of time. Since we don't then I would suggest a very small conversation, more or less between a single rep from clans involved in the main groups to determine what classes roll on which items. After the fight and relocation, a Clan Rep group should be formed with only one member from each participating clan from the two main operational groups; tank and dps. Depop is done and is not vying for drops... More like they just happen to be leveling someplace synergistically beneficial to the process.

As suggested elsewhere, do all this at the Tower, as well as the roll offs and within about 10 minutes of the fight ending. Everyone will know who has which drops, so they just keep them until after the roll off/decisions. They may have no voice in where the drops go. They are just holding it until that is detrmined.

Some of the drops seem really clear, such as class skill specific items. Others less so.
I don't know, but I can imagine on general stat drops some overlap between:
Mage- Druid
Rogue-ranger-dps warrior

There may be some drops that the Clan reps decide should clearly go some particular place. Otherwise the Clan reps state the item and the list of who is in on the roll. All rolls are public and one time only.

We get good at this, there will be more dragons. Distribution of loot among dragon hunters will improve our ability to take down more dragons etc.

Whatever agreements are reached about this, I would reccomend performing groups initially at the tower and going over a simple version of the agreements and operational plan... Doing it in the cave means dealing with ads and potential Leroy Jenkins on the dragon.

All three groups should completely depop the ad pool prior to engaging...

Other people are far more qualified to talk about the particulars of the fight dynamic itself, but a couple of things...

Everyone might want to remain aware of there targetable footprint. This is important for cross group amd out of group targeting. Druids should remain together (you know rather than under the dragon) and at 90° to the tank mob aggro line for ease of ad management on heals. The depop group should work from heal line out.

Again, I am probably the least qualified to suggest any of these things and won't be offended by people pointing out my complete ignorance of some dynamic or aspect of the fight. Hope this at least moderately useful for the sake of conversation.
Those are my completely unauthorized thoughts on the matter. I hope they are moderately useful.

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