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Another reason Falgren is camped so much by high levels

Falgren (and his ph) is the only one who drops the best disk frag in the game.

Deadroot is the only one who drops the best tabs in the game.

They are right next to each other. This doubles your time/reward payoff from just standing there for 8 hours if you are a lvl 140+.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Another reason Falgren is camped so much by high levels

Ya this is the first disk-related change I agree with. This presents a non-game breaking solution. Congratulations, in the wake of dozens of threads asking for things to be easier, or free plat, or items similar to plat items that can be purchased by people who do not support the game, you have done an excellent job coming up with an idea that does not ask for things to be easier or handed out.

For what it is worth I sign this idea. Admin, let's move Droot!

He could go either behind Beach Leystone, or by windmill near High Shore Village.
CH Wiki Editor
Fix Druid OTM! http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 48&t=42033
Most Druids are dual-device.
I won't buy Plat until Druid issues are addressed.
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Re: Another reason Falgren is camped so much by high levels

Admin, let's move Droot!

He could go either behind Beach Leystone, or by windmill near High Shore Village.
Lol he is a pretty cool boss so I like te idea of him bieng in Lirs! Mabye after the summer event to keep things fresh.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Another reason Falgren is camped so much by high levels

Admin, let's move Droot!

He could go either behind Beach Leystone, or by windmill near High Shore Village.
Those locations will reduce the challenge of Deadroot when you put him near a leystone. Groups will just Zerg kill him and no chance of reset. Would also enable high level clans with a fast travel to him. Bad idea.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Another reason Falgren is camped so much by high levels

Admin, let's move Droot!

He could go either behind Beach Leystone, or by windmill near High Shore Village.
Those locations will reduce the challenge of Deadroot when you put him near a leystone. Groups will just Zerg kill him and no chance of reset. Would also enable high level clans with a fast travel to him. Bad idea.

Good point. Keep him a decent distance from the nearest leystone.

lol Zerg kill...nice term.

I always called it noob swarming :lol:

Works really well for stonefang if you don't have a healer. Just get a bunch of noobs to swarm it for you. Though each can only take 63 damage, they still take a full attack, giving you enough time to run back 8-)
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: Another reason Falgren is camped so much by high levels

Admin, let's move Droot!

He could go either behind Beach Leystone, or by windmill near High Shore Village.
Those locations will reduce the challenge of Deadroot when you put him near a leystone. Groups will just Zerg kill him and no chance of reset. Would also enable high level clans with a fast travel to him. Bad idea.
Good point Aileron! What do you think about having him roam like All-Seeing/All-Knowing? Slaughtering unsuspecting new players lol.
CH Wiki Editor
Fix Druid OTM! http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 48&t=42033
Most Druids are dual-device.
I won't buy Plat until Druid issues are addressed.
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Re: Another reason Falgren is camped so much by high levels

As I contemplate ideal places to move Droot, I am really coming to the conclusion we are ready for a new zone. I have been suggesting a peaceful zone called The Settlements where the Post office, Auction House, Crafters, and houses will be available. Maybe, just maybe Droot could be a disturber of the peace over there...
Here is my thread on The Settlements in case any are interested: http://www.onethumbmobile.com/celticher ... nts#p84098
CH Wiki Editor
Fix Druid OTM! http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 48&t=42033
Most Druids are dual-device.
I won't buy Plat until Druid issues are addressed.
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