Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Im joining this world cuz my main was scammed...

Hey welome tour world. Always look out for scammers they are on every world.
Where did you come from and how long did you play ch :)?
I came from Gwydion. Ive been playing since January where I started my first character. I got him to level 59 and made a new char. This one was Mage and I got to 82. It was really painful to level as mage since i had no regen and was always having to meditate for like a minute or two. Many people thought I was a noob from after update 3 because of my low level and low money. Lets just say im a horrible business man. I sold my gold rejuv and mighty shield of spirits. :roll: then i was offered heroic gloves and ammy for my account. I couldnt resist but i ended up getting scammed. It was rly embarrassing. Guess ya got to learn from yer mistakes.... Another reason I came here was cuz I had to much enemies. If someone gave me attitude I immediately judged them. Sometimes it went too far that i couldnt even fix it. And secret alts, ugh, too much work. Like ur best friend hates ur alt and its that awkward moment when you tell them who you are. I came here, looking for a new start. My names Oran as seen in my signature :)

Re: Im joining this world cuz my main was scammed...

Hey! Welcome to our World!
if u See my u canadd me as friend, i can help u lvle up a Bit faster with my mage. All my Charakters are called nimbin or nimbi, wit any number up to 5:)
I got scammed a Lot, i know how it is.. And i know how Hard it is lvling a New character without any Regen ammy. Im also sure Ivan lend u a Good weapon, if u r Not a mage:D (on that charac i have Justine weapon i Need)
At the Moment im lvling my rogue, hes called nimbin1 so if u get on just Type w nimbin1 , and tell me that its you:)
Have Fun playing!

Some Celtic Heroes recordings: Nimbin Freebird Youtube
DMG over timel Calculator: Celtic-Calculator.jar

Release tester of Celtic Heroes

Re: Im joining this world cuz my main was scammed...

awekening and epic. Reference is leftover clan from united if you heard off them. They made new clan not sure how big they are but many didn't rejoin.

Epic closed recruitment again only few standouts may join. Awekening I'm not sure about them. They maybe still work like they did before that you need to be accepted by a few members to join.
Reference no idea
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Re: Im joining this world cuz my main was scammed...

Reverence has 35 members so far. Our level requirement is 90 on your main and all alts can join. Our rules are no begging, no bad mouthing other clans, and have fun. We are only 5 days old so we are still a work in progress. Another clan that came from United is Retribution, chieftain is Farsight and I am not sure what his level requirement is. There are some amazing people in all the clans.

Welcome to Rosmerta and I hope you have a wonderful time here :)
Thyra 204 rogue (Rosmerta)

Faolan Wariche 224 warrior (Arawn retired)

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