Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: More the one type of weapon

I love this idea. Ranged attack for rogue. Knives and axes. good good good.
How about a garrote for sneak attack hard to use but mega dmg. Poison crossbow anyone. Maybe some type of grenade. Fire pot, ice pot or stun
Warrior could use spears, javelin or axes.
Vasili - Rogue main since the beginning. a devoted ASSASSIN
Level 110+ Sulis-Retribution Slowly turning Blue! thanks to a great clan! thanks Guys!

Transcendence Devoted supporter and clansman

Re: More the one type of weapon

yes druids should be able to use other Blunts. open all blunts to druids and make the wood ones give a druid bonus for using. or a penalty for using metalic blunt.
Vasili - Rogue main since the beginning. a devoted ASSASSIN
Level 110+ Sulis-Retribution Slowly turning Blue! thanks to a great clan! thanks Guys!

Transcendence Devoted supporter and clansman

Re: More the one type of weapon

There have been many good suggestions listed above for other classes, but I'll focus on the druid since thats a rather tough class when it comes to duel wielding (and so is the mage).

Perhaps druids/mages could branch off into light/dark magic. This would introduce a whole new aspect of gameplay. A lengthy quest would be needed to be able to practice the magic, and in order to cast light/dark magic spells you would need a shield of light or a shield of darkness. These would be your secondary weapon/shield, and would offer new spells which is much more suitable for a druid or mage rather then a second weapon. The only issue with this is that it would require the developers to come up with some new spells for dark/light magic - but I do feel like it would do a lot for the game if you introduced a split that caused diversion in the spell branch. Just brainstorming of course.

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