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XP bar suggestion

well I would like to see something like this added in:
i think this would be very helpful, well at least to me it would because i like to know around how many more things i should kill to level and this would do that.

note: the numbers i chose are just completely random and have nothing to do with how much exp I actually have its just showing a figure so you know what I mean
World: LUGH
Character: Zirl, level 101+ warrior
Clanless because of immature children :)

Re: XP bar suggestion

Slightly off topic, but what's the gold bar for?
no clue XD but what do you think of my idea?

I think it's fine either way lol. The only thing I can think of is that seeing the actual numbers may just add more frustration lol.

Killing Enemy# 412, you got 1800 xp
XP: 1,998,200/2,000,000
Kill Enemy# 413, you get 1750 xp
W T F !
World: Rhiannon

Re: XP bar suggestion

Slightly off topic, but what's the gold bar for?
The entire length of the gold bar represents one segment of the red bar. Each segment of the red bar is equal to 10% of a level. Therefore the entire gold bar equals 10% of a level, and one segment length of the gold bar equals 1% of a level. The gold bar doesn't have segment markers, but you can eyeball it based on the segments of the red bar.
Lugh | Lightface: Druid 141 | Kaonashi: Druid 141 | FacepaIm: Rogue 141
The B Team: Noface: Warrior 130 | Tsundere: Mage 130 | Smileyface: Druid 130
Retired from CH since 2013

Re: XP bar suggestion

Slightly off topic, but what's the gold bar for?
The entire length of the gold bar represents one segment of the red bar. Each segment of the red bar is equal to 10% of a level. Therefore the entire gold bar equals 10% of a level, and one segment length of the gold bar equals 1% of a level. The gold bar doesn't have segment markers, but you can eyeball it based on the segments of the red bar.
Ah, thank you Aleph!
@ L55, the gold bar moves So fast Lol
World: Rhiannon

Re: XP bar suggestion

OP, great idea.

Until that is implemented we can figure out how much xp it takes to gain a level(see how much xp it takes for one gold bar and multiply that by 100.

On the wiki we can list how much xp it takes to level up for each level.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

Copy this sig! :)

Wiki: http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki

Re: XP bar suggestion

Slightly off topic, but what's the gold bar for?
The entire length of the gold bar represents one segment of the red bar. Each segment of the red bar is equal to 10% of a level. Therefore the entire gold bar equals 10% of a level, and one segment length of the gold bar equals 1% of a level. The gold bar doesn't have segment markers, but you can eyeball it based on the segments of the red bar.
The gold bar is kind of pointless IMO. :?

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