Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: XP bar suggestion

well I would like to see something like this added in:
i think this would be very helpful, well at least to me it would because i like to know around how many more things i should kill to level and this would do that.

note: the numbers i chose are just completely random and have nothing to do with how much exp I actually have its just showing a figure so you know what I mean
i thought it was pvp bar like ur xp untill next pvp rank

Re: XP bar suggestion

Seeing the actual numbers would be nice. Good suggestion. I was also really happy that they added the gold bar in update 3 and made the xp bar much better. Seeing exactly what percentage of xp you have is really helpful.
Neora,199 Ranger
Neorae, 146 Druid
Lumin, 101 Warrior
Neore, 110 Mage

Re: XP bar suggestion

The gold XP bar is how much XP is needed to fill 1 bar in the main XP bar... Look closely at the red bar and you will notice bars. The gold one is 1 bar basically.

and yeah, good idea :D
DarkMarch (lvl 116)
Warrior (Tank/DPS)
Clan: Advocate

Served 85 proud levels in TheOlympians clan.
Served 2 levels in Forbidden
Served 0 levels in Immortals

"Live long and Prosper" - BAZINGA

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